Would love to see what people listen to (or don't). I've always listened to lo-fi music when working and it actually makes me somewhat productive but I'm curious to see what others do 😊
@richardfliu Oops, my bad. I should have been more specific while replying to your question. Concentration music is binaural beats; it helps you to focus and concentrate in your work for long hours. Let me share a sample with you, it will give you a better idea -
Link - https://youtu.be/vrLsNlZOF1o
@skipvs I've used this before! Haha I actually tried the ambient New York Rain sounds one where a guy walks around New York for 2 hours. That was pretty nice as well :)
Sometimes I listen to Music and other times audio books I have already listened to. I don't like sitting in silence. I end up getting bored and feeling drowsy.
Only when there is a lot of distracting noise otherwise I am super proactive when there is a small background noise :)
Check this fake office background noise site it's great ! https://imisstheoffice.eu/
I love listening to LoFi beats while working; it makes me productive. It gives me this concentration and helps me relax during my uptime. I'd love to explore other options as well. Can anyone give me recommendations other than LoFi?
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