I'm so inspired of previous discussion about favorite ways of learning new things. It shows that a lot of people here love reading books, so I decided to do this thread. Maybe if it became popular we could share what we've read every month?
Thanks so much for asking the question!
I will definitely use this and go fishing through the comments to find new books recommendations, but also here are the ones I read:
- Blitzscaling
- Rich dad, Poor dad
@alisa_smelkova@cody_gaskin1 The Lean Startup is pretty much a Bible for all entrepreneurs these days - great for anyone looking to start their own business for the first time.
@alisa_smelkova@cody_gaskin1 Loving The Lean Startup. Definitely helped us with Lumio 🚀 Also, still loving Nir Eyal's Hooked. The updated version is great 👌
I just finished reading Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, it was a good read! An interesting look into the "do multiple dimensions/parallel universes exist" concept
My January list: Start with Why-Simon Sinek , Contagious: Why Things Catch On-Jonah Berger , Thinking in Bets: Making Smarter Decisions When You Don't Have All the Facts-Annie Duke. Best read - Thinking in bets, read by the author on Audible.
@alisa_smelkova I started reading Around the world in 80 days as part of my launch of Literary Map https://www.producthunt.com/post... that I finally did last friday, a new way to enjoy your books.
Ah, the edition I am reading is the translation of William Butcher with a lot of explanatory notes that are so helpful to expand the story.
Great idea @alisa_smelkova :)
- Do The Work by Steven Pressfield. Short but very inspiring read. Talks about "The Resistance" and how to setup a better mindset and environment for being in the flow state.
- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. Very useful for me as I always find myself self-sabotaging when things are going well. The book explains why we do it and how to overcome this.
@alisa_smelkova I read "Antifragile" by Nassim Taleb. It is not necessarily a product/business book, but it helps to look at things at a different angle and to better prepare for the unforeseen circumstances (which happens a lot when you develop a product).
Hi, very nide tread. I'm reading Factfullness. It's about why society is better off than we think and how many of the problems we think exist, don't. A must read for everyone who wants to know where we really stand with the world today.
I've been reading Hacking growth as a way to help my launch of my book notes app www.nuggetnotes.app and it has been great. A very different way of looking at product development but one proven to be effective.
As for myself. Last month I've read Two fonts for one revolution. It's in Russian, but it has great pictures inside.Huge inspiration for me. Just look at it:
While not a business/startup related book, I would say from a personal growth perspective, I just finished reading Head Strong by Dave Asprey and from a foundational aspect it's really, really amazing. I started adjusting my diet and lifestyle based on the recommendations in that book and I feel like I'm sleeping better and able to focus with a clarity of mind that I haven't been able to achieve without pharmaceutical assistance. Definitely recommend for anyone that feels like they're in a bit of a rut, or is just looking to maximize their life output.
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