The best career advice I ever received was:
"Don't be afraid to ask for opportunities and put yourself out there. The worst that can happen is that someone says no."
This came from a close friend when I was feeling very down about my career and opportunities were not materialising. He said a lot of positive things that day, but these 3 words stuck with me.
"You don't have to impress people right when you enter a company, they will likely return only envy and doubts. Give the best of yourself when you're about to quit." I know this piece of advice is quite controversial, and I still question it occasionally. But somehow it works.
In my very first sales job, I was told that my time is the most important thing to protect - spend time with leads where there is mutual benefit and don't be afraid to close off conversations are heading nowhere.
Seems counter-intuitive to the idea that salespeople should pester until you buy but poor time management is a daily struggle!
At 25, you’ll be likely be doing something wildly different than 21. The job you have at 30 may not even be invented yet. The best advice I’ve always gotten is to give yourself permission to move away from sunk costs - it’s tough when you’ve invested in learning something or invested time into something to move on to something new - but so many rewards come when you change the vision of who/what you are.
Back in my visual effects days my creative director always used to say "Suggest 3 options to the client. The one they reject, the one you're okay with doing and the one you would enjoy doing. When they land on a second one, you can convince them the third one is better".
The best advice I received is from one of my best friend, " Don't say you can't do this, you have a brain, time, and motivation. These are the main ingredients for Doing."
similar to @syswarren "Asking won't hurt you." -> I've always been curious and straightforward asking people (even CEOs) for jobs/help.
"Job titles are useless in your next job, the only thing that counts is your track-record." (speaking of "Head of xyz" as a 1-person-"department")
“Never fear being expensive. No financial metric can account for your utmost dedication and all-in skillset.
There is no possible price for real problem-solving worth and contributing value. Know yours profoundly and truthfully.
Negotiate by these terms, not by coins”.
"If you try to make it perfect, you'll never get to launch."
~Nothing is ever perfect, that's why software keep releasing new versions and gadgets and devices gets replaced all the time.~
"You should never be afraid to make mistakes, cause its the one thing that's inevitable in the life of an entrepreneur."
~Hopefully, you get to realize this soon enough so you can stop beating yourself too hard for an error.~
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