The finest emoji you can use legally
Anuj Adhiya
Emoji One — Complete set of open source unicode-standard emoji
Anuj Adhiya
@rrhoover May be time to update the emoji collection? # of hunts is already 2x what's currently in there: https://www.producthunt.com/e/em...
Nick Grosvenor
Awesome, hope this becomes a real standard, I second the opinion of decktonic on the shadowing though, doesn't seem necessary. But it's a really great job.
Rick Moby
@nickgrosvenor Thank you Nick!
Christian Montoya
Awesome! Very well done. But those shadows on the smileys are bugging me... can't put my finger on why.
Rick Moby
Thanks for including us! I'll be sure to monitor these comments. :) Hope everyone loves our contribution.
Christian Montoya
@moby_rick Hey Rick, just wanted to let you know that I used Emoji One in this little game I made: http://thisisdecktonic.com/emoji/
Rick Moby
@decktonic Thanks for the feedback on the shadows (shading). It's definitely a matter of taste, and we'll consider adjusting/removing that in the future as we collect more opinions.
Rick Moby
@rrhoover If we can be of any help to enable EmojiOne into producthunt, please let us know! :) Testing shortcode.. :smile: