Ben Tossell

DevSpace - Tweetdeck for GitHub

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Francis Perron
For everyone in love with Git, check out my collection, I've added every PH related to Git.
Zeno Rocha
@francisperron thanks Francis!
Ben Tossell
@francisperron whats the link to your collection :)
Ben Tossell
Is this good or bad timing with GitHub releasing more code review tools?? and how do you plan on incorporating these into DevSpace? What's in the pipeline? @zenorocha
Zeno Rocha
@bentossell I believe there's tremendous opportunity in the social aspect of GitHub. You see, developers are people and just like people like to follow what others are doing on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, there are tons of developers that like to follow what others are doing on GitHub. That's where DevSpace is focused on. So answering to your question, this new GitHub feature doesn't affect DevSpace at all because is a change related to code review. In fact, DevSpace can only succeed if GitHub keeps improving their product, so that's pretty good for us. Push notifications, column reordering, and other pretty nice features are in the pipeline right now. You can follow our evolution at:
Bernard De Luna
I loved it. we are using since your MVP.
Zeno Rocha
@bernarddeluna you're the best, thanks for trying it out!
Sourav Ray
@zenorocha I love the Tweetdeck like interface for github feed. Are you planning to building it as a desktop app too? One small improvement I would like to see is a drop-down list of watched/stared repos in place of "typing entire repo name here" box -
Zeno Rocha
@souravray yes! that's in roadmap The desktop app is already working but we decided to release in the next few weeks
@souravray @zenorocha speaking of repository, we can't add private repo to the app no? I've tried it and it looks like it's not working.
Zeno Rocha
@pierrickgt @souravray you can, just log in with "Private Access"
@zenorocha @souravray I did login with Private Access but it didn't work. Maybe because it didn't ask me for the two factors authentification.
Zeno Rocha
@pierrickgt would you mind recording a GIF and posting it on github?
Laszlo Levente Mári
This caught my eye on the Electron or some other sites like that as a reference and immediately registered. I was excited for the release and I think it's an amazing proudct!
Zeno Rocha
@noxowe awesome! thanks for your support Laszlo ;)
Paul Watson
Been using this for a few weeks now and it is very useful. Have it open most of the day and helps me stay in touch with various projects, even seeing who of my colleagues are up and working.
Zeno Rocha
@paulmwatson thanks a lot for trying it out earlier Paul. I must admit I love stalking other devs there :P
Briza Rocha Bueno
Loving it! Awesome work. Everyone who works on Git should have it.
André J
Love the landing page!
Zeno Rocha
@eonpilot cool! I made it very simple, I'm glad you liked ;)
Can we get trending repos sorted by language?
Using this for quite sometime. Finally github feeds :)
Zeno Rocha
@nj_raju yaaay!
Niv Dror
Very Cool 😎
Justin Dorfman
Everything Zeno touches turns to platinum. Amazing work like always. Will use this religiously.