ColorSlurp is the ultimate color productivity booster for developers or designers. Pick colors from anywhere on your screen with the magnifier. Create and edit colors using a variety of color selection tools.
I've been using ColorSlurp Pro for months now. It's one of the nicest color pickers for macOS and I really enjoy it!
I do have one suggestion for the author, which is just something I've noticed and not intended to be a complaint. My MacBook is docked to two 4K monitors. When selecting a color and moving the cursor from screen to the other, there's a noticeable lag. It's minor, but it's consistent.
This is a well-designed color picker and I highly recommend trying it!
@the_dave_mann I tried Sip. I don't like the overly large menu icon or the dock. Fortunately, you can turn the dock off. Sip does the job, but it's not my cup of tea. And, going back to it, it looks like Sip has the same exact lag when moving from one external monitor to the other — problem a hardware limitation or a delay as macOS switching "screen recording" to the other device.
Hey everyone,
I was searching around for a good color picker and I came across this. I never tried it, but it looks good, and for some reason no one added it to Product Hunt yet – so here you go, enjoy!
Coincidentally I was doing the same thing! Tried this and it is OK but Sip seems more polished and overall a little better to use. I didn't use PRO though for this - so maybe that might've made a difference
@garintheengineer@julian_b It can copy the color code (see this guide from Apple to see how: Where the Mac's Digital Color Meter falls short is that:
a) it can't save your palettes
b) it doesn't save your recent color picks
c) it doesn't support as many color formats
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