CRM + communication tools for startups and small businesses
Hiten Shah

Sales Resource Collection — The biggest assembly of sales templates, tools, and guides

Ready to hone your sales skills? For a limited time only, download our entire collection of sales resources—no cost, no email, no catch. Featuring exclusive content from CEOs, entrepreneurs, and sales pros, this is an absolute masterclass in all things sales.
Steli Efti
One of the most common complaints about our sales content that I've heard is this: "I came across a piece of your content, and it's great, and I want more... but, where do I start?" Truth be told, we've never been put much effort into organizing our entire body of sales knowledge in a structured way. We've just reorganized our entire Sales Library and it's now easier to find the right resource for you—PLUS you can download the entire motherlode at once. Don't even need to put in your email, fill a form or wait for some annoying chatbot to ask you 4 questions before requesting your email ;)
Joseph S. Kahn
This is amazing! Wow at all the resources! Thanks so much. Passing this on to the sales team pronto! Boom!
Greg Yates
Thanks for the generosity. Looks like a comprehensive sales manual with templates which will be useful for almost anyone.
Steli Efti
@greg_yates It is. This is years and years of hard work. Appreciate your comment, Greg!
Glen Creaser
Looks super useful! I'm looking forward to taking a look.
Steli Efti
@glen_creaser Hope it's of value to you! If there's some specific question you don't find answered in there, let me know :)
Benoit Chambon
Thanks for sharing man!
Andi Jungb
Love it!
Harry Chung
Great sales resources, thank you!