Youghourta Benali

BookmarkingBot - Never miss any important information in Slack again

Build personal and collaborative knowledge bases for your team within Slack.

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Youghourta Benali
Hey Product Hunt, I am the maker of BookmarkingBot I like Slack, I use it on a daily basis. It is usually my main source of communication with my coworkers in any team I work with, and we tend to share a lot of important information within Slack. One of the major problems I face with Slack is that any information shared within the app will be lost in no time, and you would need to find a way to keep the important information somewhere. One trick I was relying on, is sending myself any information I want to keep. This worked for a while, and then another problem arose. It became really hard to find what I’m looking for in the pile of messages I sent myself. So I thought maybe I could find a better solution for this. Since I have created botmarker ( last year to solve a similar issue for Twitter, I thought I’d give creating a similar tool for a Slack a shot. Today I’m presenting the results to you. This new tool is called BookmarkingBot (I wanted to call it Slackmarker, but it looks like this name infringes the intellectual property of Slack, so I went with BookmarkingBot). How does BookmarkingBot work? It is simple. After installing the bot, and when you want to bookmark a message in any public channel, all what you have to do is click on the contextual menu (the three dots on the upper-left side) and you’ll find a “Bookmark” button. After you click on it, you’ll see a window that will allow you to add tags or any comment on that message. And that’s it. To find your bookmarks all you need to do it to execute `/bookmarkingBot` in any public channel, and you’ll get to see all your bookmarks organized by tags. Don’t worry, even though the results will be shown on the same public channel, you will be the only user who can see them, and they will disappear after your refresh the page (ephemeral messages). One more thing. Even if the message your bookmarked gets deleted for some reason, you’ll keep a copy of it after you bookmark it. If BookmarkingBot is something that interests you, please visit and add it to your workspace. BookmarkingBot costs 19.99$ a month no matter how many users you have in your team. And you can try it for free for 14 days (credit card required). BookmarkingBot is still in beta, and I’m planning to support it for the long run and add new features and improvements over time.