Jean-Christophe Dubé

Berrycast AI - Record, transcribe & use AI to improve project communication

Thousands of project managers count on Berrycast to help them do their job better. They share screen recordings with AI-assisted conversation summaries or action items, engage clients, visually inform them of all improvements and streamline the QA process.

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Jean-Christophe Dubé
Hey Project Managers! I'm JC, Co-founder of Berrycast. We have some exciting news for you. Berrycast has pivoted and is now focusing on making a project management communication tool that will change the way project managers (PMs) work. Before we start – Why should you use it? 👇 ➡ For you to avoid communication nightmares – misunderstandings, leading to project delays and cost overruns. ➡ For you to become even more clearer with your team than a cat's disapproval when you try to pet them the wrong way. You’ll level up your communication skills with every project stakeholder to - Exceptional. Whether you're managing a small team or a large international organization, we know that the need for effective project communication is a challenge for even the most experienced project managers. That's why Berrycast was redeveloped. This is all great – but how should I use it? 👇 ✅ Create video walkthroughs of project plans, progress and updates ✅ Post Berrycast video URLs to colleagues' tasks with AI video summary. ✅ Send budget reviews for flexible and repeated viewing. ✅ Record and keep accurate documentation of meetings and discussions ✅ Capture product bugs and issues ✅ Summarize project outcomes and deliverables and more….. How do you think you are going to use Berrycast? If you are someone who manages a project then you must give Berrycast a try. We offer a 14-day full-feature trial.
Francois Lanthier Nadeau
cool feature, solid workflow for PMs this can 10x your or project comms if used right keep shipping, team 🙇‍♂️
Suraj Gadage
I've had discussions with early adopters of Berrycast, who are Product Managers themselves. They've been blown away by the AI capabilities added to the tool. They see amazing use cases in their entire project management lifecycle. Couldn't be more proud of the team who got these features added to the tool.
Dr. Michele Ross
This is an amazing tool that will change the way you work. I'm an early adopter and have recommended it to many of my friends and clients.
Jonathan Léveillé
Damien Bertholet
Working on this project was challenging and fun. We received a lot of feedback from our PM interviews, and were able to add features that exactly what PMs were looking for. More power to Berrycast team. =) Let's make it happen!
Nicholas Rizzo
As someone who struggles to put thought to text, BerryCast has been instrumental in managing the multitude of projects I have on going for various clients around Digital PR. Being able to just speak + show examples and have the AI succintly summarise my thoughts has been game changing. Love the product, the team, and the features.
Ryan Latta
I've been using Berryast for a while, and even though I have and have used other similar-ish tools, I keep coming back to Berrycast. The main thing for me is that it's quick to record and share a video. I know is in the wheelhouse of a lot of other products, but Berrycast fits that bill of simplicity where I can make my video and share it with customers and stakeholders without fussing with lots of extra settings and whatnot unless I want to. My main uses are in the product space sharing updates, creating source videos for other uses, and communicating short topics that slide decks just aren't a good fit for, and it never disappoints.
The sweetest way to fire off a quick video-capture from your desktop. The video/sound is high quality and a tech support dream. VERY nice tool that doesn't get in your way and works effortlessly.
Matt Woityra
I love Berrycast. The app is amazing. Always rolling out new features, and it is my go-to screen record tool. Now with AI 😲 awesome!!!
Paul Burns
I have not tried out the AI ChatGPT feature, but have been with Berrycast since the end of 2021 and love it. They've done a great job at making this a very userfriendly app. If I could improve on the app, I'm not sure what I would even change... its been awesome. & Customer service is great... always important with an app.
David Suescun
Once you try BerryCast you forget about the others... not only they have everything you need, they've kept evolving the platform non-stop, the last updates with transcription and summarization are just the cherry on top!
Manpreet Singh
Hey, I have been using Berrycast for the past 1-2 years and it has immensly helped me in giving an edge to my self practice. With its newly added features like notifications, i get to see whenever someone is watching my videos. Custom Branding is an added advantage for me here. The Folder options helps me to keep my videos Topic and Category wise. Am very happy with the Embed feature as i could embed my videos on a WP website. Call To Action is a great feature i like as it gives me the chance to capture my new leads. The Thumbnail feature allows me to customize the Video just like Youtube. With the Expiry date, am able to give limited time access to my videos. The Transcript feature is a killer one as it allows me to cut down a lot of my typing time. I look forward to keep using it for all recording related work. Its AI Magic Writer lately is a super feature.
Harj G.
We use Berrycast EVERY SINGLE DAY ... one of "THE" best productivity tools on the cloud. There are so many use cases that you have to think of it as ... ... a SOLUTION looking for a problem.
Swapnil J.
This has been my go-to tool for recording quick walkthrough videos for my team for the last 2 years. amazing tool with frequent updates, and a strong team. Kudos to the team for the PH launch!
Narek Zograbian
I can't overstate how many times Berrycast has saved me from miscommunication. It's easier to show than explain and describe. What's even better is to show AND describe. The transcriptions and AI summaries were a much-needed addition and improved my process. Now people can read through the transcript and go to the relevant parts of the video easily. Great product from a great team!
Mario Ortiz
This is one of the best tools I have purchased, 100% recommended.
Bjoern Sjut
At Finc3 we love Berrycast since years and it helps us tremendously in aligning teams and pushing complex discussions into asynchronous videos / video replies compared to going from meeting to meeting while pushing deadlines. What I love about the AI / transcription capabilities: in the Enterprise version they are really, really good. I regularly answer questions via Berrycast, but the transcript and associated summary features help us to make that indexable in a much better way.
Samir Poladov
Berrycast - is my favorite Windows recording app. Using it more than 2 years
Tamar Weinberg
This is great. Glad you guys are innovating. Proud of the Berrycast crew!!!