Answer three simple questions, and we'll estimate your company's emissions, leveraging a leading economic climate model with 4m+ data points. See how you stack up against your industry peers.
Hi PH! 😸
We're launching a new free tool, Bend Scorecard.
A good climate score in one industry can be a bad climate score in another. Therefore, to understand your company's climate impact, it's useful to benchmark against your industry peers. All it takes is two minutes and your work email.
We started Bend ~2 years ago with the goal of helping more companies engage with their climate impact. Currently, 'carbon accounting' is something only the very largest companies can afford to do. And a lot of the claims companies make about their climate impact are unreliable (greenwashing).
We've built a leading economic climate model with 4m+ data points, and we want to put this tool in as many people's hands as possible.
Why should you care about the climate impact of your company? Altruism aside, more and more large companies — from Salesforce, to Amazon, to Walmart, to REI — are requiring their suppliers measure their emissions and set reduction targets. We want to help companies get out ahead of these requirements.
We'd love it if you took a couple minutes to try Bend out, and share some feedback.
We'll be here in the comments. Thanks!
@ravindra_agrawal Couldn't agree more :) We got into this to try and push *down* market, to make carbon accounting and sustainability targets more accessible to a wider swathe of smaller companies, not just the giant corporations!
Congrats on your launch!
Curious how you get this shared? Feels like it's super fun as a viral tool. (e.g. Company makes a post, people respond with a screenshot of the scorecard from your tool to either prove/disprove?)
Implementing a climate strategy has been top-of-mind for Delighted for quite a while, and Bend has been a key tool in our kit for accelerating that initiative. Congrats on the new launch!
@dracstaxi We use your company website to look up your industry, or NAICS code, as well as your country of operation and the appropriate revenue band. We then use our climate science methodology, which is based on databases maintained by Exiobase and the EPA, to create a coarse benchmark for your profile.
To get more specific and see how you actually stack up in your category, we offer a few different options to import financial data to directly assess your supply chain emissions
Great stuff! I love this new tool as a way for potential customers to get a look at what Bend can do to help businesses first track, then reduce, and also offset their emissions all by using their available spend-related data.
This is super cool launch! Being in the SaaS video space with Videodeck, I totally get the need for industry-specific benchmarks.
Ever thought about jazzing it up with a cheeky explainer video? Could be fun!
hey @tedp! congrats for the launch, it's a pretty cool product! What's your plans in terms of new features in the app? Have you maybe considered providing an API based usage or making an estimation based on open banking data?
@donatpeter indeed we have! We do actually have a private API, and would love to chat about how we might help different companies / financial services layering in climate data. Message me if you're interested in learning more or have someone you think we should chat with :)
Great tool for businesses to quickly measure their emissions!
I love how it provides a clear picture of where your company stands compared to industry peers.Easy to use and informative.
A must-try for any environmentally conscious company!
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