Dennis Field

Belle - Access reviews, and tools to help you find your fit

What Edmunds is for car buying, Belle is for fitness and wellness! Read reviews on gyms, gear, and equipment, and access other tools, resources, and motivation to help you find your fit and support your progress along the way!

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Naveed Rehman
Congratulations on the launch! Cool design and very useful information. Move the word "Search...." in search textbox slightly on the right-side. Just a suggestion, you can also list the gym and home-gyming apps in your list. Can we add gyms and equipment and give reviews as well?
Dennis Field
Appreciate your feedback! Yes, on the roadmap is the ability to submit your own reviews for posting!
Andy Johnson
@dennis_field Thanks for sharing all this knowledge and research. This looks extremely slick and helpful!
Dennis Field
Thanks Andy! Hopeful it helps a few people at least get pointed in a direction. Lots more to come.
Ryan Battles
After reading this intro, I read through the site a bit and was taken aback by the fact that there is so much personal content here. In a day where it is easy to scrape data from across the web programmatically, it is comforting to read a human, personal take on fitness options. If this strategy continues with others who use this app, I think it will be a real asset and stand out from what is currently out there today.
Dennis Field
Ryan! Appreciate the kind works here! As hard as it is sometimes to craft intentional content, on topics like this, we’re def. Trying to do that. You nailed one of the values we have for this which is authenticity. Many big players in this space, but we hope to shine through that intentionally you already picked up on.
Dennis Field
Hey👋, I want to share with you a project that my partner and I have been working on for eight months or so. I'm curious to get your thoughts on it! Here's the background. - About 1.5 years ago, I found myself sitting in the ER with chest pains. Scary stuff that kicked off several appointments, tests, proposed medication, etc. It was a wake-up call, for sure. I've not been taking care of myself proactively in some time, but overall always felt I was in decent health. - After two months of going through this process of chatting with doctors, and making a plan, I was determined to fix some of these challenges without medication assistance. This determination put me on a path to proactively take control of my health. - As I embarked on this path, everything was super complicated. Do this, try this, eat this, track this... I didn't want all of that. It felt too complicated. I wanted though to change my lifestyle by focusing on my relationships with food, work, alcohol, and exercise. I wanted to make sure these changes were long-lasting. - Little by little, I made the changes I needed. Fast forward, and I'm probably the healthiest I've been my whole adult life, and I can't wait to continue the journey. So what does this have to do with Belle? As I struggled to find the information I needed to educate myself and support this journey, I decided to start on a path to capture this information and build some easy tools to manage the process myself. It became clear to me that theirs plenty of information available, but much really speaks over the everyday person. I'm not an athlete. Fitness is not my full-time job. I'm a designer who's busy. I crave simplicity. Alongside my experience, my partner (who has always been more conscious of her health) loves to test gyms, subscription services, gear, etc. and since we're both designers (her a developer as well), we decided that perhaps we could begin to share some of these reviews and try to simplify the tools and information that is out here on this topic of health and wellness. So that is what we've been doing over the last six months, and it's all integrated as a part of the Belle platform. Check it out. I'd love to know what you think in the comments below. Also, we have a corporate wellness offering too, so IF you want to bring Belle into your business, let me know. I'm happy to talk more about that! We're pretty excited about where this can go. Our roadmap is full of new enhancements; you can join our list to keep updated with progress. It's worth noting, too, that what you read, use, etc. on Belle is not considered expert advice. We're just passing along information, and suggestions that have worked for us.
Thomas Donovan
You've Earned My Respect