Jake Crump

a16z - A podcast about podcasts - Discussing podcast discovery & community w/ PH & Roman Mars


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Ryan Hoover
This was a pleasure to record. @romanmars from 99% Invisible joined us to chat about the future of podcast discovery and opportunity in building a community around this "still niche" medium. Related question for anyone: where do you discover new podcasts?
Erik Jacobson
@rrhoover I'm biased (because I made it), but I think another good place to find podcasts is my weekly newsletter http://www.thepodcastwire.com :) Side note - Already finding great shows I was unaware of before through PH podcasts now.
Ryan Hoover
@erikbison glad to hear! I subscriber to the Podcast Wire, btw. :)
Erik Jacobson
@rrhoover niceeeee that's awesome! Hope you're liking!
Tim Smith
@rrhoover I discover new shows from Hot Pod(https://tinyletter.com/hotpod), The Podcast Digest(http://www.thepodcastdigest.info/) and The Timbre(http://thetimbre.com/).
Brandon Uttley
I discover a lot of shows through Podcasters Paradise, John Lee Dumas' membership website for podcasters. I also learn about shows directly from other podcasters who inquire about being a guest on my own show, Go For Launch.
Jeff Umbro
What is the podcast that @smc90 mentioned about women dating in New York?
Alex Kontis
@rrhoover Is your podcast discovery Twitter list public? It'd be awesome to see how you're finding new shows!
Ryan Hoover
@lexkon before Product Hunt, I discovered new shows mostly through friends and Twitter. Admittedly, I found myself always going back to the same shows though.
Tim Smith
I love how Roman says radio doesn't have great analytics either. That they just agreed on a common lie. I wonder how podcast analytics will evolve in the next few years.