Your first paid user, Your feelings and emotions!
Grant Sirekanyan
36 replies
Can you tell us about your first paying users?
1.How soon after launch did they appear?
2.How did you feel at the time?
Russ Halilov@russ_halilov
She is the founder of another SaaS company in the UK.
Her team was trialing the product for 1.5 months for free. They paid once we opened our beta.
@russ_halilov Unbelievable!!! Awasome)
Happened three days ago :)
1. Pre-launch (came from cold DMing someone in a forum)
2. Relief was the main emotion
I think the first paying customers are a very special feeling. You get confirmation that what you have come up with in theory actually solves a real problem in practice. A problem that customers are prepared to pay for. It's not even about the amount. As a founder, the mere fact that the product has a paid value means everything.
@henry_burkert In my opinion, so too.
Our first paying customer signed up just two days after launch, and it felt like a huge validation of all the hard work our team had put in. It was an exhilarating moment that really fueled our passion and drive to keep improving.
@jamin_nanthan It's good to hear such inspiring stories
It was incredibly validating.
ive been growing my b2b marketing gallery for 6 months(never monetized it). I then used that gallery to get me a client off Upwork for 2500 dollars / m on the very first day
It's undoubtedly a significant milestone that marks the beginning of a new chapter in the journey as an entrepreneur. The excitement and validation that come with securing your first paying customer are unparalleled, and it's a testament to the value your product or service offers. Cconsider how you can continue to grow and scale your business effectively. One invaluable resource to support your expansion is, an all-in-one platform offering AI, SEO, writing, YouTube, and social media tools for free. By leveraging these tools, you can refine your marketing strategies, optimize your online presence, and further enhance the value you provide to your customers. Keep up the fantastic work, and here's to many more milestones ahead!
The first paying user (yes, just one) was around 2 months after my first launch. I already had almost around 100 free users by then, and definitely did not expect somebody to start paying for it soon.
But one day, I randomly happened to check my startup's Stripe page, and saw that I had received a new paid user! I'm pretty sure I was just silent in shock for a while, and then immediately told everyone I knew about it. Felt great, almost like a validation that the product is actually useful to others!
REI Litics
@soumilrathi thanks for sharing. It’s been a week and yet to get a paid user. So this is encouraging
Oh man, the feeling of getting your first paid user is incredible!
GSC Agent
Our first paying user signed up just two days after launch, and it was an electrifying moment that validated all the hard work our team had put in. It felt like a huge vote of confidence and the first step on an exciting journey.
@sophiawms 2 days. it's great result
Meme the people that don't have a paying user 🐸
@mihajlokovacevic It's all in the future, you just have to believe in what you're doing.
We got our first paid user during PH launch. We were watching user list during launch, when my co-founder told me: "look, this guy has a PRO (paid) account!"
Great feeling!
REI Litics
@denis_sokolov5 I can’t wait for this to happen!
@denis_sokolov5 that was really amazing and unexpected
PixelFree Studio
Experiencing your first paid user is unforgettable. Can you describe the moment you realized you had your first customer?
@chiara_sw We're still waiting for that moment.
But I feel it's close.
We've only been up and running for two weeks.
Jobsolv Signature was live for about 3 weeks when we landed our first $2,000 client. We spent a lot of time perfecting and A/B testing our product messaging, and it paid off.
The more we niched down and fine-tuned our product messaging, the more paying clients we were generating.
How did I feel?
It felt validated that people need our product!
@atticusli That's fantastic news and a significant achievement. It's a clear indication that your product is meeting a real need in the market. The effort you put into perfecting and A/B testing your product messaging has clearly paid off, demonstrating the value proposition of Jobsolv Signature to potential clients. Keep up the great work, and here's to continued success and growth for Jobsolv!
It was in my first SaaS, which is a lead capture software and that connects with major email tools and CRMs, so when I built those integrations, those big companies pushed newsletters about us and that drove free traffic and free signups, then some converted to paid, very few, but, that felt like winning the whole world, when someone visits your products and finds it great, then puts their card to pay, and then leave some feedback and social mentions, thats best, top of the world feeling.
it was 2 months after our first release.
The Ultimate Web Design Toolkit
I haven't had my first paid user yet, so I'm still seeking advice on how to get them. I'll definitely read the comments here for any and all tips on doing that, but if ay of you feel like sharing your advice on this discussion please feel free -
@bingeisland I'd also like to read it, very interesting.