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  • What aspects of your product must be flawless before its release?

    Andrew Philip
    26 replies


    Ronan Hardy
    Make sure the product is compatible with a range of platforms and browsers.
    Katherine Connor
    I guess the product's essential features and functionality must work without severe faults or bugs
    Dzmitry Tsemirau
    First of all, these are UX and UI.
    Robert P
    Test usability with intended users to get input and make adjustments.
    Bogomil Stoev
    The key feature of your product.
    Sandhana Arkish
    Include mechanisms for users to report problems or offer feedback.
    Sansa Grey
    Make sure users have access to resources for training and customer support.
    Sarah Playford
    Address legal and privacy issues, such as those pertaining to the CCPA, GDPR, and other laws.
    Gaurav Sharma
    The core functionality, as well as perfect syncing of user data!
    Nicolas Munoz
    I've struggled with this very question myself. I would agree with other answers that your product should for the most part be bug-free (although a few unnoticeable issues also won't hurt if your end users don't see them). However, in addition to that make sure that the core aspect of your product works well enough to provide value to your end users. It doesn't have to include all the core features in your long roadmap, but make sure that it there is enough for someone to use it and see enough value to come back a few more times, otherwise you won't really get the usage required to get valuable feedback from your users, which is the most important thing for long term success.
    Semyon Fridman
    Ensuring a product's core functionality is flawless is paramount. Additionally, a smooth user experience can significantly impact early adoption. By the way, we're gearing up for a release soon and have been focusing on these aspects. How do you prioritize which feedback to act on during the beta phase?
    Anton Gera
    your first launch is MVP, it shouldn't be flawless but the primary feature should be usable and useful for customers, enough to appreciate its potential.
    Jao Japitana
    Definitely the User experience and interface. You want to make sure that all those exploring your product's features have a smooth and good (if not great yet) experience. :-)
    Content Oyster
    Content Oyster
    Content, design, and functionality.
    Neel Patel
    Absolutely nothing :)
    Anjanay Saxena
    Andrew, it eally depends on the stage of the company. If its early stage, then in the Lean Product Playbook's spirit: -Problem-Solution Fit: Ensure it solves a real problem. -MVP: It should deliver its core promise flawlessly. -User Experience: Must be intuitive. -Feedback Mechanism: Ready to capture user insights. -Security: Non-negotiable. Launch with a solid core, then iterate based on feedback.