Stop focusing on selling, and start...

Deluar Hosain
2 replies
No one wakes up thinking: "I need to buy [product]." They wake up thinking: "I need to fix [problem]." What does this mean for you? If you want to market your product — Stop focusing on selling, and start focusing on helping. • If you sell tech, talk about how it makes life easier, not the technical details. • If you sell skincare, talk about how it boosts confidence, not just what’s in the bottle. • If you offer services, focus on the results, not the steps to get there. It’s a small but important shift. People don’t really buy products. They buy what those products can do for them. How they’ll feel, look, or live better.


Nicholas Ryan Carter
Absolutely, 'what I can fix' is way more important to the user than trying to sell them something. Focus on providing real value and solving their problems first, then the sales will naturally follow once you've built trust.
i agree that, 'i need to fix' is very important to user