Discover our Customer Messaging Platform for Startups & SMB's. The one stop for sales, marketing & support in one software : Crisp. 14 Days free trial. No credit-card required. Try now ! We provide Knowledge base, Team Inbox, Chatbot, CRM and multiple other features to let you build your own way to customer success.
I don't have to detail how awesome Crisp Chat is. Let's talk about the people behind it:
- They are always seeking the best between lightness and performances, bringing new features regularly, making our life easier
- They are available anytime in their chat, super cool, and listening to any feedback
- Transparent about what they are working on with a good and valuable communication
I recommend 200% Crisp to any company/startup/organisation 🫶
Have been using Crisp for years now since Intercom went full “big tech” and priced out half of their users.
Really admire what these guys have done, and what they’re doing.
The pricing makes complete sense and the product is excellent.