Artem Nosenko

Zoommy 3.2 - Helps you find awesome free stock photos for your product


More than 130 000 photos licensed under Creative Commons Zero & Public Domain from 50 sources

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Oscar Morrison
I have reviewed before, but it's amazing. A must have in any content creator's toolbelt. Congrats on the PH launch.
Artem Nosenko
@oscargemorrison thank you for the good review πŸ‘I read a few weeks ago
Kyle Richey
@artem_nosenko Wow, this is awesome! Can't believe I've been searching through a couple of these sites manually for so long. Keep up the great work!
Artem Nosenko
Kyle Richey
@artem_nosenko Just wanted to check back in to say I bought it and it's incredible. The Aspect Ratio filter is brilliant. Such a time saver!
Pietz Prove
whats new with the 3.0 update? is it free for those who bought version 2.x? what frustrates me about zoommy, is that very often the results are just placeholder images. some i can open to see the actual image, but many are just "dead" and dont show anything. has this been fixed?
@gopietz Hi, Pietz. Updates are always free. We deleted almost 10 000 'dead' photos before release; some photos (less than 2000) are hosted at dropbox, where hotlinking is not available and this issue would be fixed in 3.1. You can see 'dead' photos in search because we store previews on our server, so even if remote host temporarily went down ( or blocked by a government) we still keep search data for some time.
@gopietz New features in 3.0: redesigned and updated UI (white theme, hide the sidebar, updated grid), features: download entire collection, favorites folder, shuffle. We updated platform (server-side): improved search, added more sources, cleaned up for broken photos (twin photos), retagged photos.
Travis Johnson
Curious. Why is it not a web app instead?
@iamtravjohnson one of the reasons: there are no browser javascript APIs to download a file to the certain folder/ create folder /copy image to clipboard.
John Fowler
Wow. Nice product. Loving the demo page!
Artem Nosenko
thank you, @steerj92 for your kind words
Cory Adair
This is my first experience with Zoommy, but I'm already impressed. Fantastic resource, @artem_nosenko and @furyz. Well done.
Artem Nosenko
@coryadair thank you 😊
Dmitriy Slinkov
Looks like fishing app. Cause it takes money, signs you up and doesn't allow to sign in - "Invalid password" after several attempts via "Forgot my password" procedure. Moreover, "Forgot my password" button doesn't go to email entering anymore - doesn't work at all:((( Please, return me my money!
@dgslinkov That would make no sense for us, I replied to your letter, please check your email.
Does 2.0 customers get a free/discounted upgrade? edit: just saw your reply to @gopietz
Rahul Lakhaney
Hey Team Kontentapps. I have been a loyal user of zoommy. Just dropping by to say that I use it on a frequent basis and congratulations on v 3.0. Also, for some reason i don't see an update when I open the app. Any help would be highly appreciated.
@istereotype Hi, Rahul. Nice to hear it, you would see a message box 'update now' when an update would be downloaded and checked, which usually happens really fast, but usually just after release our server serve static files slower than usual due to the high load, so it could take a few minutes, if you don't want to wait you can download and install manually from this page:
Salman Khan
Great resource! I Just added this to Stash of List Check it out under design & new category
Matt barron
this is a superb update! love the copy to clipboard feature!!
Artem Nosenko
@m4ttbx thanks :)
Vivek Sancheti
Is it coded in native or hybrid like react.js?
@evivz ElectronJS
Leo Vogel πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³
Bought this as I thought it was made for power users/professionals. You can't select more than one photo at a time to add to a collection. You can't search for Unsplash users. You can't search for Unsplash collections. Searching Unsplash and Zoommy with the same search query shows more results in Unsplash. I'm disappointed and hope the developer adds more advanced features soon.
Artem Nosenko
@theleovogel we will add the ability to select more than one photo and improve search in the next version. Thanks for feedback
Emmanuel B. Lepage
Wow this is pure genius. I'm thrilled to use it furter :)
exactly what i was looking for..
Frederic Lumiere
Excellent offering. Cheap. Great value. Bought it. Using it. Bravo!
Izzy Piyale-Sheard
Always love hearing people put together awesome resources like this. The one pebble in the shoe for me is that it's a desktop app rather than a web app.
Brennen Bliss
I just got my hands on Zoommy. I was a little put off by the discontinuity between the gorgeous promo landing page and the sub-par checkout process on a different host. As far as the app goes. This is priceless. Good work makers. Thanks for providing this service to designers it helps so much!
Heidi Helen Pilypas
I just bought it and can't wait to try it! I search sites like @unsplash and @pixabay all the time for my work as a designer. It will be cool to have an app that pools these resources and helps organize them.
Heidi Helen Pilypas
Things I'd like to see: - When you search 'all' or add to Collections and click on a photo, tell us which source it is from in the footer (e.g. Unsplash, Pixabay). You've done this for artists and the licence and would be good to include source here too. - When you've done a search and click on a source in the Source list, filter by that source and show us results only for that source. - This is a long-shot, but allow us to add tags to photos to improve search for other users. - Improve the colour tool. I'm not sure if you're relying on an algorithm or a tag with a colour in photos. When I search for bell pepper and choose 'red' I get no results. Perhaps we could add our own tags, again? - Have smart lists showing the sources of photos we've favorited/added to collections. E.g. all photos we have fave'd from Unsplash. Alternatively, on the Source list, have a tab on each page that shows us photos we've added to faves/collections from that source. - Allow us to fave without clicking on a full photo, with a star or heart on the corner of a thumbnail/preview.
Dan DiGangi
How is the people/portrait collection? I find that all of these services/apps have a poor selection of people with varying expressions / angles. Especially straight on portraits w/ smiles.
@dandigangi I think you expected something like this as the answer