Podcasting platform for Business.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
ZCast 2.0 β€” Mobile podcasting, now with recording and landing pages
Olivier Amar
So amazing. Adding recording is such a monster upgrade and well appreciated add-on to the platform. Props to the team!
Hillel Fuld
@olivier_amar Thank you Olivier! Amazing how much work goes into the simplest things.
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
The legendary @hilzfuld is launching ZCast 2.0 today! Lot's of updates and new features! https://techcrunch.com/2016/09/0...
Hillel Fuld
@bramk Thank you Bram! You're the legendary one here!
Clark Valberg
Congrats team this looks really good! Awesome step forward with the product.
Hillel Fuld
@clarkvalberg Thank you so much, Clark!
Yoav Hornung
So happy to see a 2.0 live. Did you consider having the option to record only? with no listeners so I can then distribute it? maybe it's there and I'm missing something? I love the easy explore Zcasters option!
Hillel Fuld
@yoavush Interesting idea Yoav, I imagine that would be quick to implement. The closest thing we have to offer right now is the ability to set casts to "Private" after they have been recorded.
Raz Yalov
@yoavush as @hilzfuld said, this is something we will add relatively soon. Basically a way to mark your ZCast as private as you create it.
Paul Curran
Which podcaster would be your dream guest to have on a zcast and why?
Hillel Fuld
@thepaulcurran As easy as it is to list big names in podcasting in response to your question, the truth is our goal is to serve regular people who have a lot of insight to share, but never previously gave traditional podcasting a go because of the barriers it presents. We want them to try ZCast because it's quick, easy, and obviously free. Also, with the rise of video broadcasting apps such as Periscope or FB Live- we want people who are camera shy to feel free to voice their thoughts and not be left out. We learned through version 1.0 that it's these people, the regular average-Joes, that offer the most unique content, and also create the most engaging communities of listeners.
Nolan Clemmons
Is there an Android version?
Hillel Fuld
@n_clemmons That's the next big project. We're a tiny team with limited resources, so that's why it's taking a while. The temporary workaround is to access the web version on your mobile browser: www.zcast.co We are working to get the Android version out ASAP!
itamar weisbrod
So happy to see these features going live! I'm sure they were long in coming, and everyone will be excited to use them!
Hillel Fuld
@itamarw Thanks man! Long overdue for sure, and we hope it was worth the wait. We're a tiny team, which is why it took us a while to get around to fulfilling the top requests from our users. Let me know what you think of 2.0!
itamar weisbrod
@hilzfuld I think Likemob was the exact use case of why zcast is necessary ;)
Hillel Fuld
Avi Zuber
Congrats on the new version!
Hillel Fuld
@avizuber Thanks man!
Keren Orian
Bast of luck, looking good
Stewart Rogers
Great article on this new version of ZCast by Paul Sawers of Venturebeat -> "ZCast wants to be the defacto mobile podcasting app for creators and consumers" http://bit.ly/2cgDn8S
Hillel Fuld
@therealsjr We love it!
Yair Kivaiko
I adore zcast and soooo happy to see the new amazing version! Good luck to the team!
Hillel Fuld
@kobaiko Thank you very much, Yair. We're relieved to finally release it!
Mike McGrail
Great idea, beautifully presented. Podcasting is a mystery to too many, this will enable people to get going and build an audience, which is hard!
Del Williams
Android is your friend, and the majority of smartphone users around the world agree with me. 😎
Hillel Fuld
@delwilliams That is the next big project for us- we know! Truth is, we're a tiny team and it's tricky for us to pick and choose what to take on. The workaround for Android users (for now) is to use the web version of ZCast on their mobile browser: www.zcast.co But I hear you- we do need an Android version. That'll for sure be the next (overdue) major update.
Farhana Rahman
@delwilliams Oh we are so on it. It's the next big thing on our list. As Hillel said, the workaround is to use the web version on your mobile browser for now. Trust that we have nothing but love for the Android community- we really are on it. :)
NICE. Just went through the process of starting a podcast, an it was days, just to set up a test. This hosts all that for you, it looks like, and lets you roll & scale! Just signed up. @zcastapp @bramk
Nir Ben Yona Shein
Seriously awesome. Love the new features, and it looks really great!
Hillel Fuld
@niron Thank you Nir! It really means a lot. :)
Hillel Fuld
Wow can I just say? I freakin love the @Producthunt community! Thanks you, Ryan, Ben, Niv, and the rest of the team for everything you do!!
Hillel Fuld
Hi Product Hunters! Thanks for checking us out! On behalf of the ZCast team, we're so pleased to launch version 2.0 of our app here on Product Hunt. This version features recording, landing pages, meta-data, improved search, improved playback, and more. Check out our blog for more details: http://bit.ly/2cwKEir It really has been quite a ride for the team. There have been many ups and downs that led to this point. More on that here: http://bit.ly/2cwLgV4 Thank you for your continued support, and please don't hesitate asking us any question that comes to mind. Feel free to give us feedback on the product here: support@zcast.co
Adam Marx
@hilzfuld This is great man πŸ‘. Since I've been following your snaps and our short meeting in Tel Aviv, I've been curious to see what the next version of @zcast would look like. Congrats on the successful launch, looking forward to exploring what the new features can do!
Hillel Fuld
@adammarx13 Awesome! Let us know your thoughts!
Hillel Fuld
@johnkoetsier Thank you so much!
Nogah Senecky
Good stuff and good luck!
Hillel Fuld
@nogahsenecky Thank you- please play with the app whenever you get a chance, and let me know your thoughts.
Dan Siepen
@stringstory this looks awesome!
Hillel Fuld
@dansiepen @stringstory thanks so much.
Suzanne Nguyen
@dansiepen I've played with it before, this is super easy for what we need to do. Let's add it into our world domination plan.
Eytan Buchman
Cool. @hilzfuld, I know you guys had some great initial traction - can you talk a little bit about the process of identifying key points to improve? How did you determine where to double-down effort?
Hillel Fuld
@eytanbuchman Although we had an understanding of what needed to be worked on internally, it was ultimately user-feedback that helped us decide where to double-down efforts on. Recording, landing pages, and meta-data were the biggest requests. We're a surprisingly tiny team, and we try to best to ensure that every second of our efforts pack a real punch in terms of product.
Farhana Rahman
@eytanbuchman @hilzfuld Ditto on the user-feedback. The product team has a huge list of requests that they made a note of from emails and social. We take these things very seriously. By nature, ZCast is all about keeping the users happy. Next big thing to tackle is releasing the Android version.
Miriam Schwab
@farhana_rahman @eytanbuchman @hilzfuld Android please! I still can't even test your app. Looking forward to the release!