@ambonium you have a good point. But sometimes things can 'go viral' in niche communities and you might not know about them if you aren't active on Reddit/4Chan or wherever these things initially start gaining traction.
I'm actually not much of a browser on YouTube.
I feel like if its trending and I'll like it, then I will come across it via friends sending via text/whatsapp/sharing on FB/twitter/etc/etc
Although I do go to YouTube to watch @caseyneistat videos 🙊
Maybe the trending tab will help me find a couple of videos every now and then, we will see how it goes!
Seems like a sensible option for YouTube to offer
I really wish youtube would focus less on what is getting the most views and would have a tab for top quality videos. I love viral videos but youtube has so much more to offer that currently gets ignored by the platforms algorithms.
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