YouTube Trending
Making it easier to find viral videos
Jack Smith
YouTube Trending — Making it easier to find viral videos
Jack Smith
This tab is also being added on iOS and Android. looks like this:
Ben Tossell
@_jacksmith 🔥🔥🔥
Ben Tossell
I'm actually not much of a browser on YouTube. I feel like if its trending and I'll like it, then I will come across it via friends sending via text/whatsapp/sharing on FB/twitter/etc/etc Although I do go to YouTube to watch @caseyneistat videos 🙊 Maybe the trending tab will help me find a couple of videos every now and then, we will see how it goes! Seems like a sensible option for YouTube to offer
Jack Smith
Official announcement here. YouTube have just rolled out a new 'Trending' Tab. You can also read about The Verge's coverage here.
Corey O
I've enjoyed this feature on the PS4 YouTube app for while. It's a nice way to sit back and enjoy the latest weird on the Internet.
Thomas Kimura
Anybody else go to Similar in a way, although this page was never linked to anywhere on YouTube.
Stefan Hayden
I really wish youtube would focus less on what is getting the most views and would have a tab for top quality videos. I love viral videos but youtube has so much more to offer that currently gets ignored by the platforms algorithms.
Why is it called viral if it's not easy to find?
Jack Smith
@ambonium you have a good point. But sometimes things can 'go viral' in niche communities and you might not know about them if you aren't active on Reddit/4Chan or wherever these things initially start gaining traction.
Ouriel Ohayon
watching this i have a serious sense of generation disconnect. feeling old :(
Renz Bernardo
Dammit i kept on pressing that button.