Krish Dev DB

Reseter.css - A Futuristic CSS Reset & Normalizer


Reseter.css is an awesome CSS boilerplate for a website. It is a great tool for any web designer. Reseter.css resets all the premade styles by the browser. It normalizes the browser's stylesheet for a better cross-browser experience.

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Saลกa ล ijak
"Reseter.css - A Futuristic CSS Reset/Normalize". What makes it "futuristic"? And why should I pick reseter.css compared to other solutions like normalise.css?
Krish Dev DB
@ssijak Reseter.css is a newbie so it has learnt a lot from old/mature repositories like normalize.css. I have also researched latest technologies before creating it. I also first used every reset/normalizer I could and the understood their issues and what makes them not Perfect. More over reseter.css is at least committed once in 2/3 days. So it keeps up with time. More over normalize.css has many issues and was last committed in 2018. So you should consider it
Victor A. Barzana
Sounds good, but I still don't believe that we all need a css reset to later re-reset it again with your custom theme. IMHO you should reset only once and be done with it, but many people don't want to do the work from scratch.
Krish Dev DB
@vbarzana I have resolved the issue of working form scratch as I have researched and added minimal styles like: fonts for heading. Font sizing as per tags and other stuff. built in margin that's what makes reseter.css. First `reset` and then `seter.css` from reseter.css. It also includes nice researched fonts for you to use.
Krish Dev DB
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