Quinn Morgan

Workona Tab Suspender - Suspend your browser tabs to save memory

Speed up your browser with our tab suspender. Suspend tabs automatically or on demand with one click. Either way, you’ll dramatically reduce your browser’s memory usage, so you can keep more tabs open.

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Quinn Morgan
Workona’s tab manager has always offered built-in tab suspension. But with The Great Suspender getting disabled, we were flooded with new users looking for a suspender from a trusted source—not all of whom wanted our full tab manager experience. So today we’re excited to launch a standalone tab suspender extension! The Workona Tab Suspender is a secure, forever free option that will never lock you in. Feel free to stop using it whenever you want, without fear of losing your suspended tabs. My co-founder Alma Madsen shared his perspective on The Great Suspender’s privacy issues and how Workona is doing things differently. You can read that article here: https://almamadsen.medium.com/br... BENEFITS 🚀 Save memory If you don’t know how tab suspenders work, they essentially hit “pause” on the browser tabs you’re not using. All of that memory is instantly freed up so you can move faster. You can dramatically reduce memory usage and keep your computer running quickly, just by adding the Workona Tab Suspender. ➕ Keep more tabs open Tabs are where modern work gets done. Now you can work on multiple projects and keep those tabs open without impacting the performance of your computer. ⏸ Auto-suspend tabs We made automatic tab suspension really simple. Set it based on how many active tabs you have or how much time has elapsed. You can also prevent certain pages, domains, or tabs playing audio from being suspended. 👍 Never lose tabs Unlike other tab suspenders, you never have to worry about being locked into our system or losing your suspended tabs if you decide to stop using the Workona Tab Suspender. 📈 From a company you can trust More than 180,000 people trust Workona to keep their browser’s memory under control. Our company is venture-backed and built to last. Learn more at workona.com 🖥 Cross browser Free up memory and improve performance on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. P.S. If you need to restore lost tabs from The Great Suspender, Workona Tab Suspender will automatically repair any broken Great Suspender tabs it finds.
Dustin Richard Locke
I recently switched to from Safari to Chrome for work, and the memory destruction can not be understated. Beyond stoked to see this feature added to a product I already dig so much.
Lee Fuhr
I frankly don't need this product… because I'm a user and huge fan of Workona, which has it built-in. My ardor for their primary product makes me think this would be nothing less than fantastic.
Quinn Morgan
@lee_fuhr We appreciate the kind words! You're correct that this is primarily intended for users who aren't interested in our tab manager features. However, our dedicated Tab Suspender extension does give you the additional ability to suspend all tabs in one click. It's also the easiest way to exclude certain URLs/domains from being suspended. 🙂
Nabil Muh. Firdaus
Hey, is it possible to use wildcard for excluding tabs from being suspended? I've tried something like this "localhost:*", but I think it's not working.
Quinn Morgan
@nmfzone Try just leaving off the asterisk. Let us know if that doesn't work.
I can't wait to try. I miss having a tab suspender, so thank you Workona for putting one out there. And when I get organized, I am going to try your full Tab Manager. But for now I will be gratefully adding this. YAY!!!!
Glenn Lidstone
As a guy who typically has at least five or six browser windows on the go and typically a gazillion tabs, Workona is a god-send! Thank you for this fabulous product.