"People are naturally innovative but are blocked by the structure of their organization."
Join us as Olivier from HolacracyOne shares the secret sauce behind Holacracy - a different way of organizing people and power to express their purpose in the world. Topics covered:
-How old school hierarchy stifles innovation
-Why a consensus-based approach isn't the answer either
-How Holacracy is like "an operating system" for your organization
-Decision making and accountability
-A peek behind the scenes of the Zappos rollout
More info here: holacracy.org
Glassfrog software: glassfrog.com
"The book" on Holacracy: holacracybook.com
Olivier on Twitter: @oliviercp
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"People are naturally innovative but are blocked by the structure of their organization."
Join us as Olivier from HolacracyOne shares the secret sauce behind Holacracy - a different way of organizing people and power to express their purpose in the world. Topics covered:
-How old school hierarchy stifles innovation
-Why a consensus-based approach isn't the answer either
-How Holacracy is like "an operating system" for your organization
-Decision making and accountability
-A peek behind the scenes of the Zappos rollout
More info here: holacracy.org
Glassfrog software: glassfrog.com
"The book" on Holacracy: holacracybook.com
Olivier on Twitter: @oliviercp
Get alerts when we publish new podcast episodes: Register @ blog.getspeakup.com
Create positive change at work and give everyone the power to SpeakUp, try it free: getspeakup.com
Host more intelligent meetings with SpeakUp Live (live Q&A): getspeakup.com/live
Follow us on Twitter: @GetSpeakUp
Work Smart - 10: The PR guru that got us into Forbes, Joey Pomerenke
Work Smart - 10: The PR guru that got us into Forbes, Joey Pomerenke