"Try not to become a person of a success, become a person of value"
JLD is one of the top business podcasters in iTunes, with millions of downloads and millions in revenue. Listen in to hear how he works smart, including:
-His best work smart tip
-The importance of "batching" your work
-How EOF generated revenue in the first 6 months
-How he only records podcasts 2 days per month
-His first foray into physical goods with The Freedom Journal - thefreedomjournal.com
JLD interviewing Ray on the EOF podcast in 2014: eofire.com/podcast/raygillenwater
Where JLD hosts EOF: libsyn.com
His favorite scheduling too: meetme.so
How he creates repeatable, documented processes for his outsourced staff: sweetprocess.com
JLD on the web: eofire.com
Snapchat: eofire.com/snap
Get alerts when we publish new podcast episodes: Register @ blog.getspeakup.com
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Work Smart - 10: The PR guru that got us into Forbes, Joey Pomerenke