Interesting website. It would definitely be helpful to leave verified reviews of the companies offering a job and vice versa with the applicant. I would think a security measure would have to be added as their email is out on public which means expect spam. Perhaps put in some sort of tool to avoid this? It's pretty fast and easy to use, so you can jump into your service faster than lets say Upwork or Freelancer. While speaking about them, what do you offer over your competitors that will influence people to submit jobs on your page?
@cmwilson15 Thanks, your absolutely correct about security. I will need to boost this up. I will say that this is really a quick prototype. It would be best made with Angular JS. I think there is quite a strong need for a job submissions or agency outreach listing site - like a quick and easy listing board that someone can post a job and immediately get feedback, pricing, freelance and agency proposals- this was the intent. Overall, its a strong effort but will need some revamping to make it stick. Thanks again for the comment.
Hey all, I made Work Pall with the Crew a while back ago. It was originally for our internal staff to list project for our network. We then needed something a bit more robust. Its a pretty rough version and there is an added bonus feature that allows others to upvote projects, jobs and contract work. Maybe others will find a need. If it sparks interest there will be a rebuild! Time will tell!