Wordzen is the easiest way to have professional emails written for you while you're on the go. Just talk into your phone, and our editors will draft the perfect email for you.
I'm stoked to present the new Wordzen, which was recently approved as an official Gmail Add-on. I built Wordzen because I wanted a faster way to reply to emails myself. And I'm NOT talking about templated replies that can be copied/pasted. I'm talking about custom replies that need to be thought out and typed.
I realized that talking is so much easier and faster. You just talk into your phone (or your desktop), and on the other end, one of my editors will listen to what you said and draft a professional email that makes you sound awesome! This is NOT transcription. They're not just typing word for word what you speak. If they were, you could just use the voice-to-text feature on your phone. The editors listen to your tone and intent behind your words and then write the best possible email based on what you've said. You can be lazy. Feel free to umm, err, repeat yourself, and trip over your words. In the end, you'll get a professional email written in perfect English.
I can now answer my emails while I'm on the go -- while in a cab, while holding my baby, and even when I'm in the bathroom. I wish I could admit just how much I use this while driving, but I don't want to encourage any bad habits. :)
Ask me questions! Even boring ones. Unlike Elon, I'll answer them.
@parttimesnob Really liked the glimpse I've got after a little research about Wordzen. Curious to know more, better if i could get some helpline number, please.
I have been using Wordzen for ages. I think I was among the first users from the early beta version. As a person who isn't a native English speaker, Wordzen is a must-have tool that will polish all your emails and make them ready-to-go.
Thanks to Wordzen, I don't need to spend time reviewing articles and tuning my sentence construction. Occasionally, a Wordzen editor changes the meaning of my initial message, so I need to review the edited versions carefully. Otherwise, it's a great tool that makes my email communication much easier.
Seems like an awesome product for non-native English speakers who could use it as both a voice-to-text service, as well as an editing service.
Similar to "Can you proofread my blog post?"(https://www.producthunt.com/post...), but for emails :)
@parttimesnob Yeah it's definitely awkward and then I pause too long thinking about interjecting my thoughts with punctuation and siri just turns off lol. This sounds SO much better.
A small step that is beneficial. I like this. But I'm very excited for the next version. I feel like a version 2, where it auto suggestions responses etc. Would be AMAZING. A very basic version of what Samantha (Scarlett Johansson) does for Theodore's email in the movie "Her". Hopefully you can follow my train of thought :P
I have used this for a little while now and it is amazing. Has saved time on a ton of emails and I can answer emails while taking a walk or on the go by simply dictating them. This helps especially with complex emails which are wordy and would otherwise take some time to write. Really useful!
Wordzen is a such an amazing innovation! Sometimes I don't exactly know how to word what I want to say properly and Wordzen does just that for me! I would highly recommend to anyone who has to write a lot of emails, but still wants that personal touch!
I have got to try this product out! I could see myself sending well-written emails by dictating them into my phone while stuck in rush hour traffic and saving so much time.
Is there anything more frustrating than trying to type out and edit an e-mail on the go? Wordzen would make it so easy to send a ton of professional, yet personalized, e-mails while still going about my busy day, I've got to try it!
It's a great idea, does some really cool work for me. I would say that this product seems to be in it’s early stages as I would expect a product like this to offer a way to do voice recording directly from a phone. when uploading a recording for them to prepare a message from I sometimes get back a message stating that the quality of the recording is insufficient which is pretty frustrating hopefully they will improve their product where they would be able to discern the message even from less than perfect recording quality
Abe - You CAN do voice recording directly from your phone. If you're using the Gmail app on Android, then all you have to do is install the Wordzen Add-on: https://gsuite.google.com/market.... If you're using the Gmail app on an iPhone, then there's a special setup required: https://www.wordzen.com/blog/usi...
You do NOT have to use a separate recording app to record yourself and then upload to us. That's too inefficient. You can also just go to www.wordzen.com/talk. That's basically the recording widget that our integrated Add-on points to anyway.
I greatly appreciate the response the link that you have directed that would help set up the microphone in the Gmail app on the iPhone did not provide any instructions how to get that Mic though your solution in the second paragraph seems to work
It's an excellent product that does more than save you time wordsmithing your daily communications. It's real support for professionals who prefer not to lose time creating the "perfect" email. Wordzen does that for you, so you can stay focused on business.
I can't say enough about Wordzen. I have a little bit of dyslexia and have a very hard time writing emails. However, the world calls me to answer around 100 emails per day. To do this in a way that ensures I look professional and maintains the positive image of my company, I have relied on Wordzen for the past year.
Wordzen has become my superpower. Generally, my ideas are clear, but Wordzen helps me write them in a way that is both proper and appropriate. Further, they're great at correcting my issues with capitalizing random letters and missing commas. In the end, Wordzen has been the most powerful tool I have used to date and has made me a Gmail master.
Thank you, Wordzen!
Quick Email Creation
Proof reader
Grammar and Punctuation corrections
10 minute Delay when sending email for editor to edit ( not really a big issue for me)
Seems to be really helpful if you have tons of tasks to do and emails to write. What is really great, I do not worry about all the commas and misspelled words, which can easily happen if you are not a native E. speaker. Kudos for the product.
Looks extremely useful.
Found a typo! 'Q: Why is Wordzen cost more than Grammarly or other online grammar/transcription services?' Here: https://www.wordzen.com/blog/sub...
Good luck with your product.
It's a great idea, does some really cool work for me. I would say that this product seems to be in it’s early stages as I would expect a product like this to offer a way to do voice recording directly from a phone. when uploading a recording for them to prepare a message from I sometimes get back a message stating that the quality of the recording is insufficient which is pretty frustrating hopefully they will improve their product where they would be able to discern the message even from less than perfect recording quality
Pros:great concept, useful, helpful
Cons:can use improvements
It's an excellent product that does more than save you time wordsmithing your daily communications. It's real support for professionals who prefer not to lose time creating the "perfect" email. Wordzen does that for you, so you can stay focused on business.
A true productivity booster!
I can't say enough about Wordzen. I have a little bit of dyslexia and have a very hard time writing emails. However, the world calls me to answer around 100 emails per day. To do this in a way that ensures I look professional and maintains the positive image of my company, I have relied on Wordzen for the past year.
Wordzen has become my superpower. Generally, my ideas are clear, but Wordzen helps me write them in a way that is both proper and appropriate. Further, they're great at correcting my issues with capitalizing random letters and missing commas. In the end, Wordzen has been the most powerful tool I have used to date and has made me a Gmail master.
Thank you, Wordzen!
Pros:Quick Email Creation
Proof reader
Grammar and Punctuation corrections
Cons:10 minute Delay when sending email for editor to edit ( not really a big issue for me)
Loop Email
Wordzen is a great tool for your gmail efficiency.
Pros:Simple to use.
Cons:Can think of