Ben Fisher - Helps you choose fonts.


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Irving Torres
Extremely useful. The way I usually go about it is to preview it in photoshop but this is really quick.
Sebastian Rumberg
I agree with Irving. We start quite a lot new companies per year and this is a perfect way of trying out different styles for our new ventures. Wonderful! The marketing team at HitFox Group and FinLeap are big fans already. It would be very useful to export the selection in a pdf or image. This way it could be perfect mood board for design projects. I'm sure people would pay for this feature.
Ryan Hoover
This is useful. I create the header graphics every day for the Product Hunt email, often incorporating different fonts; however, Omingraffle (and the default text inspector on the Mac) doesn't show each font as it's displayed. Guess and checking to find the right font is cumbersome and time consuming.
Ben Fisher
useful tool created by @fahrio :)
Fahri Özkaramanlı
Thanks for the nice comments guys. @skinnyandbald thanks for posting here. @rumberg you can choose to share a selection and will generate a url with the image of your selection in it. I also thought people would pay for this and some other features and built a pro version. It didn’t sell at all so I made all the extra features free. Tried putting up a donate button for a while and finally settled with a good old ad spot. Learned a lot along the way though. @olamoller I built this 4 years ago :) Thought its old for submitting to Product Hunt. Regarding your *nerdquestion*, you can increase tracking (letter spacing) after filtering a selection. Just hover over a font preview and then < > arrows.
Ola Möller
This is brilliant, why didn't someone think about this before°! Edit: Just testing it. Thinking, would it be possible to add a thickbox with 100 in letterspacing?! Many font really look different with a different spacing. *nerdquestion*
Lachlan Campbell
Great idea, but it uses Flash...I avoid Flash at all costs!
Ben Fisher
@lachlanjc steve jobs would be pleased to hear that ;)
Fahri Özkaramanlı
@lachlanjc I only use Flash to get the list of installed fonts and pass it to javascript, only if I could do that without Flash...
Jakub Roztocil
Pretty cool. Btw, with Chrome configured to require "click to play" for plug-ins, it doesn't work very well as the Flash object isn't really visible.
Ryan Hoover
I've been using this the past week and find it very useful, although I wish it provided filters for different types of fonts (e.g. cursive, graffiti, sans/sans-serif). Although probably not simple, you might be able to cross reference a database to categorize fonts, @fahrio.
Fahri Özkaramanlı
@rrhoover you're right, it'd be great to have those filters. But apart from the implementation difficulties, cross referencing multiple libraries might only scratch the surface. There are tons of fonts out there. I thought about adding collective tagging where you can tag your fonts and choose to share your tags so that people who have the same fonts would benefit. Than again, is a pet project without a business model and this keeps me from working on those big features.
Mubashar Ali
It's very handy. But I use Photoshop Folder for Fonts. I can't load all the fonts, as it will make heavy my Windows PC. Is there any way to display those fonts too. Photoshop loads all the font which are in this folder C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Fonts