You will try to order the group to match a meaning word in the horizontal or vertical direction. If making a word, the game will destroy the related blocks. The game will end when a user reaches the top of the screen.
Hi everyone, I've created my first mobile games in Android (the next release will be IOS) Below is its link:
It randomly generate a group (L, J, T, S, Z and O), each group includes 4 characters.
You will try to order the group to match a meaning word in horizontal or vertical direction. If making a word, game will destroy the related blocks.
Control: you can use virtual control or touch control (can change in Setting menu in Main screen). Swipe left to move left, swipe right to move right, swipe up to rotate and swipe down to move down.
Game will be end when user reaches the top of screen.
In Play screen, you can press Word button to see the words you've made and press Pause button to pause game and see the current score.
In Main screen, you can press Statistic button to see game's progress.
Hope you can give me your recommendations to improve my games in the next versions.
Word tetris
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