Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠

Wonders 2.0 - Mobile journal for travel & outdoor culture

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Martin Ahe
Hey guys, we're super excited about this new "California edition" for which we've partnered with Artifact Uprising (a VSCO company), to bring the featured photography out of the app and into your living room. We'll be splitting the proceeds with the original travelers/photographers helping them stay on the road and a portion will be donated to grassroots organizations supporting environmental conservation. Let me know if you have any questions!
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
@martinahe what do you mean in your living room? On Apple TV? ;)
Martin Ahe
@milann @martinahe not that far out yet ;) We're offering users to purchase featured photos as premium quality prints - either an ultra thick press print (11" x 14") or a large print (20" x 30") in a beautiful brown maple gallery frame. Users can also purchase featured photos as HD wallpapers!
Rory Reiff
Super cool that you integrated the ability to purchase some of the photography, and that you share the proceeds with the artists!
Martin Ahe
@roryreiff thank you, we're DEEPLY concerned about photographer compensation
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
Complete overhaul of this great mobile travel inspiration guide, I love the city but I love to find out about great outdoor culture. Take it away @martinahe, what were your thoughts and challenges on the next version?
Martin Ahe
@milann haha thanks for the perfect graphic @milann
Milan vd Bovenkamp ♠
@martinahe mmmmmyeah so unrealistic but hey why not
love it!
Martin Ahe
@mazcohen thank you!!
Brandon Marker
Really love the UX in this app!! There's a nice balance between usability and keeping it simple to focus on the content.
Martin Ahe
@texasmarker Thanks Brandon, it's actually pretty hard to keep things simple, but we did our best :)