Quentin Verriere

Wittycircle - Networking tool for entrepreneurs, makers and curious minds.

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Quentin Verriere
Hi PH, i'm one of the people behind Wittycircle. We launched a few hours ago and your feedback would be much appreciated! Need someone to code, to design to sell or to help you develop your idea? Want to discover products or projects you could work on? We built this platform for you.
Thê-Minh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Neat! Looking forward to seeing the community grow. It's just too bad that the "hello, we need you" overlay completely prevents from exploring the content.
Quentin Verriere
@the_minh you can click outside the banner to make it disappear, it won't come back. We're testing how users react for now.
Olivier Hln
Love the design ! How soon will the 'work' tool be ready ?
Quentin Verriere
@olivier_hln when I finish my drink!
Quentin Verriere
@olivier_hln jk. Probably 2017
Andrew Richard
Alright nice ...just bookmarked your site. Love it already.
Andrew Richard
I guess the platform can be used to get feedback on a idea..
Quentin Verriere
@basictechy Exactly. You got it right ;) Create a project and ask for feedback in the "Community" tab.
Erica Taylor
I love this... but every time I try to open the site I get an error. "www.wittycircle.com’s server DNS address could not be found."