How to make your launch go viral - AMA w/ CEO of Wispr Flow
LIVE March 13th at 12:30pm PT
Hey everyone, CEO of Wispr here.
We did two product launches over the last five months, both went viral on X, LinkedIn, and ProductHunt, and helped us build a large audience in a short period of time.
We had a lot of builders and founders reach out about advice as they were thinking about launching their own products and strategies that work across channels. I spend a lot of time thinking about building growth loops in our product, driving organic conversations, and building a product love to use and talk about - which sets a strong foundation for launch.
Today, AMA about our launch, product thinking, how to kill it on X, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, or really anything about the product. Everything's on the table so ask away!
This post is exactly what I need. I'd like to ask that we're a small team and haven't posted any projects on PH yet. We also lack popularity ourselves. How can we better make my project gain good popularity and be discovered by other hunters? What should I do if the initial popularity is low?
Hey man,
How much time to spend on promoting the product before going live on producthunt ?
Wispr Flow
@marko_jurisic 2 months of preparation, 0 days of promotion.
Product Hunt
@marko_jurisic @tanaykothari 👌👌👌
Hey Tanay, congrats on the launch!
- How many people from you network upvoted your product? Approximatly. I'm asking as I want to understand if my network will be sufficient.
- What are the benefits of a Hunder, have you working with a Hunter?
- How to kill it on X? :D
Wispr Flow
@mzkvisuals I would say a personal network accounted for maybe 10% of the engagement on PH. For the first launch, I shared it with a lot of my personal communities. For the most recent one, it was primarily the Wispr Flow community that was supporting it.
for our first launch, we had @chrismessina hunt us, and for the second launch, it was actually @rajiv_ayyangar (CEO of ProductHunt). For both cases, I wanted to make sure that they use the product and love the product before they hunt us, so that they can share their genuine feedback.
I believe for a lot of the product and community, they hear these names a lot and they have begun to trust what the influential hunters have to say. It helps add some more credibility.
@mzkvisuals @chrismessina @rajiv_ayyangar @tanaykothari How did you get the hunters to hunt your product? I'd love to use this approach for our upcoming launch.
Previously I just cold emailed and cold dm'd hunters but didnt get much responses.
I'm launching early access on Sunday for @Snippfy and I don't have a pre-made network! I'm also a solo founder so most of my time is in the development side of things. If you could focus on 1 thing for promoting your launch what would you focus on?
Wispr Flow
@alan_rivera I think you actually have a really big benefit by being a solo developer because there's a lot of communities on Reddit, Twitter, and WhatsApp groups that really respect solo developers and help give new developers a chance at success.
(I sometimes feel bad that I can't use them anymore because now we have a full team)
I've been a solo developer for most of my life, and it takes guts to go out there by yourself and build something. I'm sure you'll find a lot of people who would appreciate and support you for that.
Do you have any recommendations on communities that solo developers can interact with that would get results?
Virality can't be a recipe. I think product and founder audience play a big role in this. You can't really make up virality.
When do you recommend launching on PH? What stage of the product?
When and what should be considered for a second launch?
I'm asking as we consider doing this in the future for ActorDO AI Assistant.
Wispr Flow
@alxrda It's a science and an art.
ProductHunt, imo, makes a lot of sense for companies who are launching a new experience and want people who are engaged and will give feedback. I've loved the people I've met through the ProductHunt community, and they are the users who help make Flow really incredible. But I also spend time talking to about 50 users a week.
Product Hunt is something that if you do, do it well, or don't do it at all. I see some companies half-ass it - sometimes where marketing lead says they need to do this, and they put together some assets and don't engage any further. I think that is a waste of time and possibly even hurts their brand.
@tanaykothari thanks for the answer. I'll do it for Actor when we'll be ready for a launch.
@tanaykothari Any strategies and tactics you can share on how u got those 50 users a week?
hey @tanaykothari , first of all, congrats on the launch! testing Flow in Windows as of today for finalizing my upcoming launch of
Q: Did you implement any type of cross-launch promotion between the various platforms? Meaning, if X went viral first, did you use it to drive traffic to other platforms?
Wispr Flow
@linklogician What we found is that it is challenging to ask people who have supported you on one platform to then go and look at you on another platform as well. Because it doesn't necessarily add too much value to them. Because often times if we're doing a single launch it's the same story that we're telling people across platforms.
We treat each channel as a specific way to get to unique audiences.
For the really loyal and highly excited users, we give them the channels and the exact links: "Hey, we are going live on these channels, and you can support us here." - and those users are great
@linklogician @tanaykothari This is very useful. Loyal user feedback is really important. It can help us recognize many of our own problems and also understand what capabilities most users like. Recently, through communicating with users, we found that our UI design was a bit complicated and lacked good guidance. Then we made improvements promptly.
Product Hunt
If going viral was a recipe what key ingredients would you say are vital for having a chance of going viral? Did you experience any unexpected effects after going viral?
Wispr Flow
@gabe A lot, lot, lot of preparation.
From the marketing side, you're telling a story that should really resonate with people. It should either be something that people feel very relatable to or is one that brings up a lot of controversy. We haven't really cracked the latter, but I think we do a good job on the relatability.
On the product side, there is no excuse than building an experience that users feel genuinely delighted about. When you start hearing people say things like "This is a product that's changed my life", "This is the best tool I've used", it leads to a lot of organic word-of-mouth.
Hi! What are your best tips to build up your Product Hunt community as a new member launching a new product soon? I read a lot that a lot of the success comes with how active you are in the community and how large your reach is on Product Hunt, so any advice is appreciated.
Wispr Flow
@joyce_kremer A big part of it is genuinely caring about the community. We personally respond to everyone who engages with us. There's somebody who's taking out time from their day to take a look at something you built, try it out, share their genuine feedback or excitement with you, and I really value that.
@tanaykothari Love that, sounds truly genuine! It probably helps if everyone brings that mindset to the table and collaboratively help each other. Will keep that in mind while getting started on Product Hunt!
Tanay, I wanted to wish you so much of the best for the launch of this product. I've been using it daily since signing up, and I'm exceptionally grateful for what you've presented us with. May it just go from strength to strength.
Wispr Flow
@nigelcd Thanks a lot, Nigel! Appreciate the kind words from you.
Product Hunt
If I recall, you started out building something different than Wispr Flow. How did you think through the pivot to Wispr Flow? Did you launch anything before Wispr Flow that gave you some feedback that users didn't want that?
Wispr Flow
@rajiv_ayyangar Biggest learning - building great consumer products is all about building habits.
Wispr Flow was actually the 8th product we built internally. The first 7 had to do with taking actions on your computer and were genuinely impressive tools (similar to OpenAI's Operator, etc.). But people used it once a day (that too if they remembered).
We decided to bet on voice dictation for communication - people spend 90% of their time on computers either consuming content or communicating. And that bet has paid off.
Product Hunt
@tanaykothari Voice dictation is particularly interesting to me because it's such an old category. It makes it hard to deliver something that's so much better than prior art that it feels magical - And yet, from my perspective, you've really done it. When I've tried to adopt voice dictation software in the past, I had thoughts like, "Oh, I must just not think in speech. Maybe my thinking process is too wedded to typing". I do think that is the case but now I'm realizing that maybe I can change the way I think for a lot of writing because it's so much faster.
@rajiv_ayyangar @tanaykothari Voice communication is a more efficient and simplified way of communication. So your thinking is correct. Then someone will say, "This product is really great."
Thanks for sharing! How long ago was your launch? And how do you think the success of your launch has improved your overall outlook for the next 2ish years?
Wispr Flow
@leah_madden Our first launch was 5 months ago, and the most recent launch was yesterday.
I think getting #1 of the day is cool, but what really matters at the end of the day is what you do with those users who get started on your platform. How do you best take their feedback, improve your product, and take it to the next level?
For me, it's not the end-all-be-all, it's just a starting point.
How do we access the AMA?
Product Hunt
@james_keppel You're in it! Just ask a question here and Tanay will respond soon.
Did you apply any hacks that helped you do better which you might not want to reveal in public?
(but now, since you have been asked, you have to do so)
congrats on the launch!! 🚀 What’s the single most underrated tactic that helped your launch take off
Did you collab with others to make your launch successful?
How long did you wait before launching on PH and other platforms?
Mind sharing some tactics that worked for you?
Hey @tanaykothari , I'm a little late here but I have a question. My team will be launching our product in a month. How can I best use this time to get as many connections as possible to have good support during launch day? I am clueless when it comes to marketing and networking
How do you accumulate users from zero before releasing a product for the first time? Individual voices never seem to be loud enough. Regarding marketing it always bothers our small team.
Hey Tanay, thanks for being willing to answer questions! What is the mix for building Product Hunt and X communities before launching? We're about ready but have been buried in code and ignored those items – should we wait until we build some momentum?
As an complete newbie to PH (literally made my account today), how long would you wait.... if at all before launching?
We've had our product live since January and have been adding new features every week based on user feedback so I feel really confident in the product itself.
I'm just not sure how to approach launching here with little to no existing audience. Any thoughts and pieces of advice are appreciated.
Wispr Flow
@cameron_froese I wouldn't wait particularly. I would however spend my initial time interacting with other makers, and sharing feedback with them, just as you would want to receive :)
@tanaykothari thank you! that makes a sense