Drew Meyers

WikiLeaf - Compare Marijuana Dispensary Pricing Nearby


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Drew Meyers
Provides an easy way to find pricing from dispensaries nearby, and lots of great information if you're looking for information on various strains of marijuana. (disclosure founder is a close friend)
Jim Canto
@drewmeyers I saw @Wiki_Leaf covered in a recent documentary. Thought of Hunting it as well. Great hunt, Drew. I'm confident this category will grow like a weed. (Couldn't resist... and I'm in favor of the industry.)
Jaydeep Singh
I think this a great product, and brings much needed transparency to the industry. The average connoisseur spends quite a bit on weed, and it's a lot of effort to do comparison shopping on Weedmaps. The site lacks a certain finesse design wise, but is usable. My friends would be happy to use it, and I think that says a lot about how big the pain point is.