Eric Menzie

Who Buys Coffee - Coffee run, let's go! Who's buying?

"Who Buys Coffee" solves that awkward moment of who pays when you're getting coffee with a friend or colleague, in a fun way!

100+hr 3 month solo side project. 6 App Store Rejections. Zero prior coding exp. in Swift. Now released!

Who buys coffee? Only one way to find out! 😊

Would love to hear any suggestions!

Thanks for checking it out β˜•

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So how does the app solve the awkward moment? Am I missing something about what it does? The homepage doesn't give much away - please explain what it does / how it works β˜•οΈ@marketshot
Eric Menzie
@abadesi Hi Abadesi, it solves the moment when you and your colleague are staring at each other at the cash register arguing about who pays, but in a fun way! I’ve even heard from a barista that they wish they had this on a tablet at the register to speed up the process for customers. 😊
Eric Menzie
@abadesi How it works is that you just tap the coffee cup button, it spins, and it just lets you the user know whether you are buying this round, or they’re buying. There are a couple funny sounds based on the response and wheel like action, and that’s it! Problem solved πŸ˜Šβ˜•οΈ
@abadesi Hit the coffee cup and it will select who pays randomly with a funny response attached. I kinda love how simple the idea is.
Eric Menzie
@moenichedee thanks Monish! I tried a number of ideas like player name entry, this and that, but then said to myself β€œjust solve the problem and make it easy!” Took a few iterations before go live, still some ideas in the hopper for v2 😊
Andy Parkhills
Congrats on the launch, @marketshot! Seems to be a great app. It would be great to better explain on the website (maybe with more screenshots) how it really works. Will there be an Android version soon?
Eric Menzie
@aparkhills Thanks Andy! Definitely noted, but those really are the only three screens in the app (outside of an "info" one via popup in the corner). Thinking further though, I think it could help to show a video of the animation where the coffee cup spins and then what happens with the pop-up result / sound. Thanks for making me dive a bit deeper on product presentation possibilities! Sadly no Android version in the pipe as it was a great effort for me just to learn Swift 4 / Xcode. HOWEVER, I am thinking that this could be PERFECTLY suited for an Apple Watch application as it is a simple design. Thoughts @moenichedee / group?
If "Coffee run, let's go!" is a Trailer Park Boys reference ("Smokes, let's go!"), well done.
Eric Menzie
@justcharlie it isn't, but I'm Googling the show now! :)
Ramy Al-Kadhi
Thins is is a fun product that would actually be used between really good friends for kicks as opposed to actually solving a problem - I believe people would just talk it through! Love the story of how this was made though.
Eric Menzie
@ramy_alkadhi thanks, yeah it provides a good bit of entertainment for the 2-3 minutes it takes for the barista to make your coffees :)