This is an an analytics platform based on Product Hunt to let makers know the optimum time to launch their product to receive maximum traction based on data.
WhenToLaunch helps you determine the optimum date to launch your product on Product Hunt.
This app is the outcome of a simple script that I built to analyze the trend of products and upvotes on Product Hunt using the ProductHunt API. I also wanted to track when users are most active on upvoting so that I could schedule the launch better. This will also help you track the trending topics on product hunt and collections and do a competitor analysis based on the reach of each product.
After building and using the script for a few days, I noticed that there are optimal times when a product should be launched to maximize views/upvotes. My gut told me that the best way to figure out when to launch my product was based on analyzing data, and I was proven right.
I shared my findings with a few of my fellow makers and asked if they also struggled to figure out when to launch their products. And guess what, they did. So I decided to publish this as an app, to make it easy for anyone to use this tool.
This is a very modest start that could turn into a bigger analytics platform, but initially, does this solve anyone else's problem here?
More analytics based on category and upvotes for products will be added to make the app better. Please let me know if you want something more to be added into this or any feedback here.
Very cool - I just signed up and think I will definitely use when our product is ready to be launched. Rather than GA, its PHA. Just curious.....was GA your inspiration or do you just love data? This is great though - i'm a huge numbers person!
@conrad_ehing Haha,, I never kinda compared it with GA though.. I just wanted to find data from PH, which evidently theres so much insights we can get into. I have many more lined up for the app like comparing topic performances, competitor analysis etc. Hope I can get it out sooner.
Wow the data on here is useful and incredibly validating. Makes me want to reconsider launching my next project for Pitching Investors. I seen one of the reports had a top product of month that I was hunter of! This is really great work @vignesh_vaidyanathan ! I would love to see more data on the best time to actual post your new product and the effects of comments, votes, etc.
@wendyde03942462 Thanks a lot Wendy. Glad that the data shown is useful. Much more to be added to the app like competitor analysis, maker research etc. Stay tuned. Hopefully it will be adopted as a platform to validate your launch and products.
This platform so cool. When to Launch is an another example to showcase the power of data. Surely makers can take advantage of the insights from this. Congrats on the launch 🎉🎉🎉
@5harath Thanks a lot 😁 I really want this to be a platform where makers can base their decisions on deciding if a product idea is worth by competitor analysis and proper timings to plan their reach.
Very cool - Appreciate you making this!
One thing I would be interested in seeing is upvotes per products launched metrics as opposed to just having the sum of each and needing to infer the average individual product performance metrics.
As you progress, I would also be interested in learning how the products of your users perform against non-users. In other words, if enough of PH begins to rely on this data for planning launches, are you introducing biases into the data? If enough people draw the same conclusion that you should launch on X day at Y time, does this create a crowding out affect and therefore X day at Y time becomes a sub-optimal time to launch?
@carterw Thanks a lot 🙌
Answering your questions, I am planning to have individual product trend of votes. Unfortunately, it wasnt the most important thing in the phase 1. I have that and few other features lined up like specific topic trends, comparing products against each other like you compare mobiles, competitor analysis etc.
I believe it doesnt really form a pattern where people launch only on these specific guidelines. If you can see in the insights section, there are average upvotes per product on each day. So that makes a difference too. Going forward, I would also try to get the best launch time for each topic. say if you post a SAAS, then its Wednesday maybe but if that is related to Design Tools, maybe its Thursday. So that way it doesnt clutter at one day.
That's supercool @vignesh_vaidyanathan Thanks for saving us from going just by our guts. Happy to look at the data and take decision. Just a feedback some of the reports like "trend,Calender" takes lot of time to load, it would be great if you can look at the speed optimisation part.
@vishal_nema thanks a lot for the comments. Yes I will check to optimize it. Anyways I'm working on the V2 of it to add more features and since the API is changed. Will keep you posted
@barani_kumar1 Hi Barani, Thanks for the comment. 🙏
Since you asked, I am planning to have this as a one stop platform for analyzing the product information on Product Hunt.
-> I am planning to add extra drill down features for Topics and Collections.
-> Planning to bring in competitor analysis for similar products posted on PH
-> Reach out to people who are following similar posts/ topics so you get the right people you can target it to.
These are however in the roadmap and will soon update on the launches. 😀
@devinrajaram Thanks a lot. Please do spend time on the app and give me feedback to make it better. 🙏
Looking at your making the blog appear on top app. Subscribed to that and am looking into the earlier product launched. Hope I can write a blog after that for this app to make it appear on top 😁
I googled "When to launch product hunt" a half dozen times before launching today. So on one hand, the fact that you launched today validates my choice, but on the other, if I would have waited a day, I could have just used this tool. Best of luck on the project!
@aasatt Wow. 😉 You dont have to decide based on hunch anymore. You get data here from PH so we can plan it properly based on each topic. Anyways, AR for Live photos 👍 very cool. Upvoted and left a comment. Goodluck.
@yamine_x Thanks a lot 😊 Yes PH does share the data, but not all of them I suppose. But I have barely broken the ice. I need to start delving deep to get more meaningful insights form the data.
All the upvotes will be really helpful to increase the traction so more makers use the platform 😊
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