The simple, reliable, secure messaging app.
Diego Jimenez

WhatsApp Dark Mode — Finally. Dark mode on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp is getting a new dark mode on iOS and Android today. If you already have dark mode enabled at the system level on iOS 13 or Android 10, then WhatsApp will automatically switch over. Android 9 users can simply enable a new dark theme in the WhatsApp settings menu.
Daniel Pichel
My fav messenger Telegram implemented dark mode before it even became a thing. Finally Whatsapp has it. Fine. Still confused why too man people still using this privacy ignoring app.
Simon Gabriel
A tip for anyone who wants this nice dark mode, but without using Whatsapp's new dark background. Download a solid OLED background image (eg ) and set this as your wallpaper. For me, this was much nicer!
Vlad Beres
I'm on mate 20 pro android 10 and I don't have the option to switch to dark mode nor the dark mode settings work :(
Finally. Why did it take so long? In comparison, Telegram lets you configure the whole messenger ...
Anna Filou
Been using the beta for a while (it’s perfectly stable) so this is old news 😆
Finally :D. Late night messaging just got a little easier on the eyes.
Wish people weren’t still using WhatsApp 😞
Finally. This feature was available 6(!) years ago on the BlackBerry 10 WhatsApp version. RIP BB10
This is good stuff. Something to take care of my eyes when browsing in latenight :)
Alex MacGregor
Dark modes FTW.
Philip Litassy
Long awaiting any design update!
Edison Espinosa
lol took them long enough
Justin Ahn
Owen McCarthy
Finally! Been waiting for this for years
William Evans
Finally! Great work guys!
Aliana Taylor
So what’s up people