Joan Vega

Wetopi — Simple and finely tuned containerized WordPress hosting


A Specialized WordPress hosting built specifically for designers and creative agencies.

⟶ No more Sharing Resources and Security Breaches. Each WordPress on its own VPS-like machine.

⟶ Focus on you work, we are your server sysadmin.

We manage and optimize your servers.

⟶ Survive to infrastructure crashes.

⟶ Affordable: plans starting at $10/mo.

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Joan Vega
Hey, Hunters! I am Joan, Founder and CEO at Wetopi. We are super excited about this Wetopi thing we are growing :) Wetopi lets you save time designing and hosting WordPress sites by running affordable finely tuned WordPress machines without investing on sysadmin. .... you can launch a WP site in less than 10 seconds ... or run a free LetsEncrypt SSL in 2 clicks, .. or clone your entire machine in one click! :) We'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. We need your help to make Wetopi better! Please, jump into a conversation, we're here to answer all your questions. Thanks for checking it out!
Bruno Amigo

We've been using their developer Free servers for some months and guess what! they are the same as production ones ;) super fast SSD machines (not a common thing ...)

When you want to jump to production and open your wordpress site to the public traffic, then you have to pay.

Best part is, It's just a click

Yes! our site went from development to production in seconds!!

Btw Support is Awesome!!


Helps me to get rid of all the admin related tasks I don't have time to do


It's not cheap

Ku Nand

Been using wetopi for sometime now, and the production server is fast, the customer support is personal and very quick to assist in to troubleshoot


Fast production server


cant think of any