Greg Gilbert

Weld Action Blocks - Build animated, interactive web content with drag & drop

The Visual CMS. Create visual, animated, interactive content on your existing web/e-commerce platform. No need for developers or agencies. Be more flexible, work faster, save money.

In May 2016, we launched v3 of Weld, including our Action Blocks – our take on visual programming.

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Greg Gilbert
Tom and his team are launching today an additional product inside Weld. @tomsoderlund please tell us about it. How long did it take to build it? Why is it a game changer?
Tom Söderlund
@gregoiregilbert Thanks for spotting us! Well, since starting in 2014, we have worked hard to build a tool where non-techies can make interactive services and apps. Only 0.5% can code, and I don't think the solution is for everybody to learn it. In Weld v1 (, the focus was on interaction design - a wireframing tool. With the Weld v2 launch (, we added visual design - a web design tool. And with Weld v3 we finally add interactivity. Today we launch Weld Action Blocks (, a tool to build web apps with drag & drop. We’ve designed it to be very simple to use. For now you can make animations, calculations, connecting with servers and sending email - simple stuff. It will become more powerful over time.
Marcus Karoumi
As a Landing Page geek - I completely love Weld and the continuous development of the platform. Good job, Tom! 👍
Henric Malmberg
@mkaroumi Thanks, Marcus! As of today your landing pages can be even more engaging with the added interactivity. Animated graphs and custom forms should open up a lot of new opportunities for creators.
Marcus Karoumi
@hanktard Sounds awesome. Just tried it and love this infographic example -
Kaushal Vyas
I've been using Weld since a few months now creating landing pages and have been impressed by the improvements they've been doing to the platform.. This new feature allows you to literally 'weld' blocks to make interactivity intuitive. It gets my vote!
Tom Söderlund
@kaushalvyas010 I was SO impressed when built your animated landing page ( - with the rougher beta version of Action Blocks, and without even pinging us on the support chat! That was the first time I thought “Hey this might actually work!”
Jonas Lejon
I find it easy and smooth to get up and running with Weld. I was able to create a new landing page in just a few minutes
Henric Malmberg
@jonasl Cool! Exactly the way we want it to feel!
I sense an aqui-hire coming... I'd love to see this picked up by a bigger company (like Google Domains) that could really take this to the next level and make it even more powerful. Great job guys.
Tom Söderlund
@ninjinka Haha we’ll see. Thanks!
Kunal Bhatia
I tried out the beta of Action Blocks and was pretty impressed. It almost reminds me of a previously launched product, Guestimate ( Instead of hacking spreadsheets with blocks, Weld is doing the same for interactions and logic for websites and apps. I like that the tutorial for the feature is built right into Weld, so it makes learning easier. Nicely done!
Tom Söderlund
@kunalslab Thanks Kunal! Cool, is that the "Task 1/2" tutorial you mean?
Kunal Bhatia
@tomsoderlund Exactly. Did the 2nd task as well. More challenging, but a good intro to blocks I had not tried out before.
Jason Dainter
Congrats @tomsoderlund great progress here
The idea to create web apps without coding is great for someone like me – I have ideas but no coding skills : ) Awesome start on something that can be world changing.
Andrey 🇺🇦
Perfect tool for those "let's build and see" moments got even better. Awesome team behind the product as well.
Tom Söderlund
@andreyz Thanks! Yes, the original idea of Weld actually came from my own frustration of having too many ideas, and not enough time to build/try them.
Oscar Baruffa
I'm always on the lookout for great app building services, and this looks really good. I like the flexible pricing model as well -not too restrictive.
Olof Mathé
big fan of the product & team!
Elia Morling
Wow super easy to use with the drag and drop tools. This is taking landing pages to the next level!
jonathan danemo
I really love the way Weld is being moved forward and the responsiveness of the team (because I break things super often). Originally I used it to make simple prototypes (before sketch had Craft ;). It feels like every 4 months or so there is a pretty big release which is very nice (since I'm a sucker for new shiny features) :)
John Faig
Stumbled upon this today. The block programming metaphor would be more useful for websites if you had some data access and navigation among pages.