
Weekly CS Paper Newsletter - Get a computer science paper every weekend into your inbox


With the Weekly CS Paper newsletter I want to introduce you to the joy of continuous learning about the current findings in CS. Every Weekend you will receive a handpicked computer science research paper for reading over the weekend.

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Throughout my university career I got introduced to research papers and found that they are a lot easier to understand than I always feared. After reading a few I fell in love with this resource as they provide me insights into the spearhead of knowledge in my field. And to be honest, even though I enjoy reading blog posts, the quality of a peer-reviewed research paper is just on a complete different level. With the Weekly CS Paper newsletter I want to introduce you to the joy of continuous learning about the current findings in CS. Every Weekend you will receive a handpicked computer science research paper for reading over the weekend. As I mostly dive into topics regarding distributed systems and backend development the focus will definitely be in that area.