Hrach Simonian

ClimaCell Micro Weather API - The most granular weather data in the world


ClimaCell Micro Weather API is the most granular weather data in the world.

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Jacqueline von Tesmar
Hey @rei_goffer & @sophiatupolevluz, Can you tell us why this weather api is different from others out there?
Hey @jacqvon! There are five reasons it's totally different: ● Low Altitude Weather: This technology can track weather at low altitudes of 30 feet and above versus 1,000 feet and above using traditional tech. ● Update Time: Updated weather data is delivered every minute by GPU-powered technology versus every 5-20 minutes. ● Spatial Zoom: Tracking weather within a 500-meter, zoomed-in area versus 2,000-4,000 meters using traditional methods. ● New Nowcast (short-term forecast) Model: Forecast data is delivered for every minute for the next 6 hours versus the standard nowcast that delivers weather data in 1-hour increments. ● New Weather Sensing Technology: Traditional weather companies rely on public weather sources like government radar to create forecasts. ClimaCell is the only one that uses our new sensing technologies to find weather that no one else can see!
Mikel Steffen
This looks interesting. Are all of these features offered globally? Any details on how this works, "ClimaCell is the only one that uses our new sensing technologies to find weather that no one else can see"
How we get this data: we repurpose wireless communications networks to serve as passive weather sensors. This is a technology that we launched commercially in April of 2017. We're really excited to announce other technologies currently in stealth mode! All of this is currently available for the U.S. - Globally we currently offer hourly and daily forecasts, but all of the features will be live globally in the coming months. I hope this helps!
Fraser Smith
How granular is "most granular"? I'm currently using Weather Underground and even here in China, I have a choice of 2 or 3 weather stations within a kilometer of my home. Does it need to be any more granular than that?
@frassmith Thanks for your question! Home weather stations are not a reliable source of consistent-quality data, plus they are hard to maintain to a uniform standard. For example, check out this screengrab from Shanghai (linked below) where the temperature values don't really make sense. We can zoom in to a 300-500M area with very high accuracy thanks to our sensing technology. Why does this matter? If you take a given 1-2 km area, a weather event can vary from one street to the next. The more you can zoom in, the less uncertainty around the weather...and less getting caught in the rain :-)
Fraser Smith
@sophia_tupolev_luz Cool. So are there any publicly available apps using your API yet?
@frassmith companies like Hangar, Autodesk, and Via are early adopters. Hangar actually just announced yesterday how it's being used for autonomous robotics infrastructure here:
Erik Richter
Are there any actual weather apps that currently use this API?
Hey @erikjrichter, sorry for missing your question. We are soon to launch our own weather app using this API, which will provide the most granular microweather data with global coverage -that is why we currently provide the API only to customers that are not other weather companies.
Erik Richter
@sophia_tupolev_luz Thank you for responding! Will this weather app be available on iOS and Android?
@erikjrichter of course! We will message you to be one of the first users.

I have been writing a weather application and have found the functionality of ClimaCell's API to be much more useful than others out there.

They have the ability to set up alerts so that I can provide notifications to my users which is something that I did not see from other options. The also have an easy to use overlay so that I can show a precipitation map with very little work. Another company provided an overlay but they forced you to use their branding and look and feel on the overlay map. That was a big drawback for me as I like to be able to have my own look and feel for applications that I am writing. Their data is also more detailed than what I could find elsewhere and very accurate.

Support from them has been great as they were able to answer any of my questions that I had for them. Turnaround time was very good and I never felt like I was shooting off emails into a black hole.

Overall my experience with ClimaCell's API has been very positive and made my app creation go very smoothly.


Easy to use, Very Detailed info, Lots of useful features


Must contact company prior to use

Danny Roup
Does it support Israel??🇮🇱🤓
Rei Goffer
@danny_roup COMING SOON! Should be by the end of the summer.


I am an individual developer.

I tried to contact with this company to use their api before. The attitude is terrible and the prices are secret, and they cannot trust me (maybe they thought I am working for a company).

I am just an individual developer.

By the way, a company is afraid of competition?

It’s so funny.

So I choose other api providers for my app.


Maybe it’s a new one in the field of weather.


The attitude is very terrible.

Hi EC, I'm Sophia from the ClimaCell team. Thanks for your interest in the ClimaCell Microweather API. Sorry to hear that you had that experience. We'll be updating our pricing soon. Stay tuned!
Hi! Excited to share that starting today, microweather data from this API is available in 40 countries worldwide. More details in our announcement.