Hi folks! Excited to share Wallcat with the Product Hunt community! Wallcat is a simple app that automatically updates you Mac's desktop to a new a new beautiful image every day. If you've had the same stale image, are still rocking a default Apple background, or are simply looking to keep your computer feeling fresh, feel to check out Wallcat. I'm the sole developer / designer on Wallcat, happy to answer any questions!
@dustin I noticed this doesn't seem to change all the desktops (at least in El Capitan), just the first one (or whatever was the active one when I launched the app). Is this within your control?
@joostschuur unfortunately I haven't been able to find an API from Apple that exposes this. I have another approach in mind that may do the trick. Thanks for the feedback, when I solve this problem, it'll absolutely be in Wallcat <3
@dustin A few suggestions: (1) If there are multiple monitors, have an option to load a different image on each. Seeing the same thing on both monitors is a little odd. (2) Have a refresh command/hotkey that will pick a different image, in case you don't like the current one. (3) Have an option to change the image on a user-defined schedule, like the Desktop preferences pane. No reason users should have to go backwards in functionality from what Apple provides, just because they're getting images from an outside source.
Been really enjoying having this on my computer while testing. It's fun because you forget about the app and then suddenly there's a great new image you notice. And the curation's top notch. People have complimented me on my background image a few times already.
My daily routine: Get to my desk, commence trackpad gesture for Show-Desktop (a lot like giving your computer a high-five), breath in the Wallcat “Structure” channel newness. A nice little eye-candy gift waiting for you every morning. Bravo @dustin!
@chrismessina looks like a great resource for images, as well. I was already in development with Wallcat when Irvue shipped. I decided to keep moving forth—If more people use these apps and are inspired by the images, I’m happy :)
@dustin it's curious how similar they are, and that Unsplash is the source for both. I like Irvue's automaticity. Is there a reason you took the manual wallpaper change approach?
Been using the beta for months [omg #humblebrag i was in early and you should be jealous and think i'm amazing #blessed #honored] and my favorite part is that @dustin has kept it very simple and light. I'm delighted every day to see a new background. Bravo on a great, great product!
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