Wakeout 4 - 600+ Fun exercises tailored to your mood, location and time
Bringing the benefit of exercise to the people who don't do any.
Wakeouts are fun exercises tailored to your location, mood and time availability that you can do in 3 minutes or less.
Wakeout Kids
Wakeout Kids
Wakeout Kids
Wakeout Kids
It really doesn't matter where you are or how much time you've got, there's no excuses not to mooooove!
Pros:Exercises are so much fun and it's so easily customizable!
Cons:I haven't used this new version enough to tell if there're cons.
Wakeout Kids
Wakeout Kids
I like that it reminds me to use it. I used it before. But let the sub go due to cost.
Pros:Quick workouts for wherever you are when you have spare time.
Cons:A bit expensive if you have a tight budget
Wakeout Kids
Keep it up guys!
Pros:- Super cool user experience - An overall really fun product to use - Great to use at work to break up work sessions
Cons:- No android support as of today
Wakeout Kids
I have a health and wellness company and I find it useful for office active breaks.
Pros:Easy to use! Is such a fun and original way to get active during the day.
Cons:I would love to have a corporate fee or group fee to give to all my employees.
So easy to use!
Pros:So many good workouts!!!
Cons:Nothing... it’s perfect for me
The notification now has a discreet sound. Great! I love this app!
Pros:Great fun and healthy. Original exercises and they keep making this app better. It is worth the (low) subscription rate.
Cons:It keeps me from working! ;-)