VSCode Power User Course - 200+ VSCode Tips & Tricks | Switch today like 5,000+ Devs
After 10 years with Sublime, I switched to VSCode — the new open source cross-platform editor everyone's talking about. I've spent over a 1,000 hours perfecting my setup to help you switch today. → I'm sharing it all in five hours — 65 videos online course.
VSCode.pro has the most productive tips and tricks for users to get things done as quickly as possible in VSCode. I'd say that it's worth every penny you spend and then some!
Pros:This course enables you to speed up your VSCode workflow multifold and helps you become a VSCode pro user in no time!
Create Node CLI
Worth every penny you spend!
Pros:The best course out there to become a VSCode pro user!!! It's going to save you tons of time!
Create Node CLI
Create Node CLI
Thank you for dedicating the time and helping the community
Pros:Very detailed and fundamental course, with great video player for personal speed customization :)
Cons:Can't think of any
Create Node CLI
Worth it!
Pros:- To the point, very easy to follow, get to learn so much in each of them. - Improves your workflow more than you can imagine.
Cons:Not really, It is the best out there.
Create Node CLI
Create Node CLI