ViziWealth is a multiplatform solution that supports and improves the financial health of individuals and their families. We provide regular people with self-managed tools for financial planning, and an on-demand access to professional coaching.
This goes to people who want to get their personal finance in order, not only in the short term, but also with a longer-term perspective. We started ViziWealth out of our own need to get our financial situation in the family sorted out - starting from day-to-day budgeting, and linking it to what we want to plan for in the future (kids' education, pension, vacation home, etc.). We were lacking the clear overview of what we have, what exactly we wanted to achieve, how our assets would contribute to our goals, and how we can work continuously towards those goals. We needed a place to put all of this together, without necessarily having to hire a coach to do that. That's how we ended up doing an app :) I wonder if there are people here who have a similar problem. Would love to hear some thoughts on that.