ScatterNote is a note taking app that lets you reorganize, connect, and disconnect your research at the speed of thought. It's a mobile app replicating the experience of a corkboard of notes connected to each other with bits of string!
I always find that Network Thought is easy on Desktop or Web, Mobile would seems hard to take notes on a large scale. What makes ScatterNote different from Roam,,,, FOAM or, NimbleNote and many others out there?
@betahost Thanks for asking! Many of the products you've mentioned, while incredibly powerful, also have very steep learning curves or setup. I think all of them are focused on typing text-based markup. ScatterNote is focused on ease-of-use, and a more tactile interaction with your notes.
For example, most other apps connect notes by marking-down one note from another. In ScatterNote, you simply drag a note on top of the other. Now they are connected!
You're right though, ScatterNote is not an app for building a traditional zettelkasten, however it's significantly different from other note-taking apps in that it's more a graph-database for your thoughts.
I'd also like to add that there is a desktop version on the roadmap, but for technical reasons is pretty far off in the future. The notebook experience in ScatterNote is actually built on top of a game engine which will require a little bit of rework to stand up on PC & Mac.
@dan_manning@victorbjorklund That's a great question that comes up quite often. Mindmaps are strictly hierarchical, the relationships are always a parent to one or more children. So for example, you could have a Star Wars mindmap and a Lord of the Rings mindmap, but can't connect Luke Skywalker and Frodo as the hero of each story.
In ScatterNote, you can connect any item to any other item. Users can also describe the relationships between items, so you could indicate that the relationship in our example of Luke <-> Frodo is much different than the relationship between Luke <-> Leia which is (spoiler alert!) brother and sister.
Hi Hunters! I'm Dan, the creator of ScatterNote. ScatterNote is a note-taking app for connected thought. I'm a big note taker, but some ideas don't fit well in the traditional linear "notebook filled with a list of notes" paradigm. ScatterNote was created for projects where the connections between ideas are as important as the things themselves. For example, game design, plotting a novel or screenplay, etc.
I wanted to create an app experience of having a desk covered with notecards, and shuffling them around or connecting them with bits of string. I've been iterating on the interface to make it as simple and intuitive as possible.
This launch is the big 1.0 release of the Android app! An iOS version is in the works. I'd love any feedback or suggestions!
Hi Dan, I love the idea of your app but I thought I would reach out to give some feedback as at the moment it is not as user friendly as it could be. The first is that I work using an iPad Pro and apple keyboard which works in landscape but whether it is just me being dumb it seems as though the app just works in portrait. It is obviously not ideal to try and work with your head tilted to the die all the time.
The second thing which would make it flow better would be if there was a way you could just add a note, maybe a keyboard shortcut that would take you straight into the title without having to click add on the screen and then click into the title section before going back to the keyboard to start typing. I know this may seem like a small thing but if you are creating multiple note ideas it quickly starts to feel annoying.
I do not want to be critical or sound negative as I would love to use your app but at the moment it is not functional enough for particular needs.
I wish you luck with the app and hopefully if the future I will be able to use it.
ScatterNote 2.0
ScatterNote 2.0
ScatterNote 2.0