Vitafive offers your daily gummy vitamin packs personalized.
Brian Krall
Five Labs — Compare your personality with famous people and your friends
Ryan Hoover
@bkrall !!! LOL. Here are my results: It says I'm similar to @garrytan, @alwaysunday, @arjunsethi, @jongold, @Noah_L, and @staringispolite. Obviously, what you share on Facebook isn't your true self but usually the way people want to be perceived. An analysis of one's private email (or diary, if they have one) would be far more interesting, imho.
Noah Lichtenstein
@rrhoover It says I'm most similar to Barak Obama, Bill Gates, and Zuck. So I got that going for me...which is nice :) Do you know how they use the data? By giving them access to all my FB data (and my friends all doing the same), what could/will they do with it, even if anonymized? Just curious (less paranoid).
Thomas A
@Noah_L Hey Noah, we don't store any of your wall posts or personal data. There's a flow chart on the home page ( that provides a visualization for the process (click 'never store' under the button) we go through to generate your personality data. Let me know if you have any other questions!
Jonathan Howard
I'm a 96% match with @rrhoover. No wonder I like PH so much.
Brian Krall
This thing says I'm more similar to Lil Wayne than Mark Cuban, so there's that...
Andy Keil
I'm finally famous! @rrhoover says I'm basically you:
Ryan Hoover