Mike Preuss

Visible Decks - A dead simple way to share your pitch deck using your brand


Decks are a dead-simple way to host and share a pitch deck using Visible. Decks are completely integrated with our fundraising CRM and leading investor updates platform.

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Mike Preuss
Hey everyone — I’m Mike, the founder of Visible (visible.vc). Your deck is the core marketing asset that jumpstarts any fundraising effort. It acts as the catalyst for connection, conversation, and relationship building. You can check out an example deck hosted by us here: https://decks.campterre.com/9zhJ... We talked to hundreds of founders, and three problems emerged around pitch deck sharing: 1. I’m not sure how prepared a potential investor is before heading into a meeting. 2. I’m under-networked. I share my deck to get meetings but want to understand who is engaged. 3. I iterate on my deck every hour. Sharing the latest version is a pain. 4. I want to use my own domain and branding. Today, we are launching Decks A dead-simple way to host and share a pitch deck on Visible. Decks are completely integrated with our fundraising CRM and leading investor updates platform. You’ll be able to set customized sharing permissions, notifications when investors view your deck, upload new versions without clicking a button, and understand how potential investors have engaged with your content. **💡 How it works** 1. Upload your pitch deck as a PDF to Visible check out a free template here: https://visible.vc/blog/our-teas... 2. Set your sharing permissions (email gated, password gated, downloadable, etc.) 3. Connect your domain so your deck is being shared from your company’s URL 4. Share it with potential investors and investors in your Visible Fundraising Pipeline 5. Upload new versions of your deck (without changing your link) as feedback rolls in and tweaks are made. 6. Understand how investors are engaging with your Decks and fundraising materials with our analytics and CRM 7. Optional: Customize the deck viewing experience to use your own brand colors and domain. 🎁 **Special offer** As a special offer, we are offering 90% off your first 6 months for any of with promo code VISIBLEDECKSPH2022. Let us know if you have any questions or need a hand getting your fundraise started! Thanks, Mike
Jonathan Gandolf
Easy to use. Fun to share. Can't recommend this enough!
Vick Vahram Antonyan
Looking good! Congrats team Visible! I'm a die hard keynote fan and would love that thumbnail view on the left side. I don't know what it is about it, but it gives me more visibility and easier navigation throughout the the slide deck!
Simon Ellis
Been using this for almost a year and the best two things about it are: 1. I love it, and find it exceptionally easy to use. 2. My investors (and sometimes potential investors) love it. Visible as a company are doing some seriously cool stuff. Keep up the great work Visible team.
Lwanga Allan
Amazing I would like to invite my friends