Forward the updates and files founders share with you directly to Visible. AI Inbox will automatically parse, structure, and uncover new insights combined with the data already in Visible.
Hi Everyone — I’m Mike, the founder of Visible ( We build software that helps investors and founders simplify investor updates and reporting. Our newest release, Visible AI Inbox, is intended to do just that.
Visible AI Inbox allows investors to automatically parse and structure email updates they are receiving from founders. AI Inbox is fully integrated with the rest of our portfolio monitoring and reporting tools to help build a centralized place for portfolio data.
How it works
1. Receive email updates from founders
2. Send email updates to your unique Visible AI Inbox address
3. Sit back while Visible AI parses and structures the data from the email
4. Combine the new data with existing data from the portfolio company to build
beautiful charts and dashboards
Let us know if you have any questions or would like to try it out for yourself! We’ll soon add support for parsing data from PDFs and files!
Hey everyone — Matt from the Visible marketing team here! I am proud of the team and can't wait to hear what everyone thinks.
We'll be sharing best practices for how investors are leveraging Visible AI Inbox to improve their portfolio monitoring and reporting in our newsletter over the coming weeks. If this sounds interesting, you can subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the blog here:
congratulations on the launch of visible ai inbox, mike and team. it seems particularly useful for consolidating complex data streams efficiently. i'm curious, how does the ai prioritize or weigh the importance of various data points when parsing emails?
@mashy Thanks, Albert! Good question — we prioritize the data based on what metrics/data investors are already tracking in Visible and give you the option to manually adjust if needed.
The perspective of this product is intriguing and something worth learning from: creating tools for wealthy individuals to make it easier to earn money.
@mikepreuss Thanks for sharing the details about Visible AI Inbox. It sounds like a fantastic tool for investors and founders to streamline their communication and data management. How do you incorporate user feedback into the development and improvement of Visible AI Inbox? Are there any recent examples of features added or improved based on user suggestions?