Ryan Hoover

Vine on the Web — 6-Second Videos, Now On the Web


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Ryan Hoover
Vine, the mobile-first 6-second video app, just released their web version. Here's their announcement: http://blog.vine.co/post/7211344... Thoughts, @kaz?
Ryan Hoover
My feed is super boring: https://vine.co/rrhoover Can't wait for Mindie (http://mindie.co) to release web profiles. :)
Nathan Baschez
Whoa this is great - check out https://vine.co/feed/tv Vine for web is a way bigger deal than Instagram was, because it's often hard to watch vine videos when you're on a bus and don't feel like getting your headphones out. Vine is much more of a consumption platform than a creation platform, I think. Love this.
Adam Kazwell
Think @nbashaw nailed it...overall it's a nice clean site, and vine TV is a great idea. Vine's hanging around and I'm much more bullish on it than I was when IG video launched...even if I still prefer IG :) Got nothing else to say, but here are some cool Vines: 1. https://vine.co/v/hHaLpzqXdiH 2. http://www.quora.com/Vine-video-...
Ryan Hoover
I didn't know about Vine TV. THAT is awesome and very similar to @xenophin's Vpeeker (http://vpeeker.com). And yes, that's the second time I mentioned Vpeeker on Product Hunt today (see http://www.producthunt.co/posts/540)
Adam Kazwell
Related to Vine, did you see Yahoo's vine-esque sports app? http://techcrunch.com/2014/01/03... The feature itself is a bit buried, personally think the video functionality should be spun out as a separate app.
Adam Kazwell
hunted Yahoo's app here: http://www.producthunt.co/posts/554