John Whaley

Vervid - The YouTube for vertical videos

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John Whaley
Exactly one year ago we set out to build a home for a format that had yet to be solved for -- Vertical Video. One thing we can all agree on is that Vertical Video looks terrible on YouTube. And on existing mobile platforms, Vertical Video is treated as a medium for disposable messaging, so it's low-res and lightweight in order for it to transmit instantly like a text message. But we want to change that. On Vervid, for the first time ever users can create immersive vertical videos that are thoughtfully edited and tell a story -- all in HD, and up to five minutes in length. (Best of all, they don't disappear.) On top of Vertical Videos, Vervid introduces an interactive way to experience profile pictures. When you tap them, they play. We call these tiny 8-second videos “Bursts.” (They’re like living profile pictures.) This is 1.0 of our product and we realize there's always room for improvement, so we'd love to hear your feedback once you've given Vervid a spin!
John Whaley
Thanks Andrew! We really had to re-think how a robust set of editing tools would translate to a) one-handed use, and b) tall-format content. With so many people pushing back on Vertical Video as a valid medium for lasting content, our goal has been to do the opposite: to give people the tools to create BETTER -- and for the first time ever, IMMERSIVE -- Vertical Video content. We've got a few things in store for V2: a) A zoomed-out, Netflix-like browsing / discovery experience, and b) "Bursts" porting out as a standalone notifications platform to Apple Watch.
Andy P
@johnrwhaley I'd love to see some testing with simplified navigation patterns. I feel like that is one of the most challenging things from a user perspective. Feels a little overdesigned. Lots of moving parts and overlays in all different directions. It looks beautiful from the outside, but very challenging to grasp. I've been using since the beta and I really like the idea of vervid and definitely think theres a need for something like this in the video/consumer space. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes :) Congrats on the launch!
John Whaley
@andypeninger @johnrwhaley Thanks for the feedback Andy P. We really started from scratch here with how we envisioned how the gallery experience should feel with tall-format content in mind. While we don't believe people should have to learn a new UI, we did have to consider new interaction styles that suited vertical video. Our goal was to create a transparent UI that lets the content sing, and to have that experience feel unique, yet familiar. I'm eager to hear more feedback from you as you continue using it, and appreciate you taking the time to get your thoughts out to us. It will in the end help us make Vervid really sing.
Jacob Hobbie
Looks really awesome! Vertical video has always been laughed at, but it's a very natural way to film, especially yourself easily, so I'm happy to see a video player support it! Any Timeline for Android? (I sometimes think I'm the only Android user here :P)
John Whaley
@linkchef Thanks Jacob! We do have Android on our radar and are trying to get there as quickly as possible. We've got a launch target date, but can't share that quite yet :)
Jordan Breighner
I've been working with these guys for a couple months @coolhouselabs. A couple things I love about Vervid. 1) It has powerful yet easy to use tools to create awesome video content. Your videos don't have to disappear and can last longer than 6 seconds. You can loop in multiple segments, and create really interesting content. 2) It has a built in social distribution platform that allows you to connect and share your stories with the world 3) It has great content discovery tools. I've been a beta tester for a couple of months now, and it has taken over my mind share for "how will I share this thing so people think I'm cool" from Instagram to Vervid. I look at things differently now, and you realize pretty quickly how to create quality content that people want to engage with. Congrats on the Launch!
Lauren Jarvis
Thank goodness...!
Andrew Zusman
Smart product! No one ever turns their phone to make a video and if you can't beat em join em! What is in store for V2? What do you see as the ideal age for your users?
Jack Smith
pretty nuts that YouTube still haven't got this figured out yet.
John Whaley
@timdorr @_jacksmith Until YouTube ditches horizontal completely, they're not a competitor. There will always be compromises when co-mingling vertical and horizontal content, whether it's the gallery experience being compromised or forcing the user to constantly shuffle between holding their phones horizontally or vertically. YouTube allowing full-screen vertical video does not solve the vertical video problem. Similar to how Instagram embraced square and did only square, we're doing vertical and only vertical.
Tony Ana
dead app? no longer in usa store...
Chryssa Gagosi
Finally! I kept having arguments with fellow designers as to if vertical videos are a crowd pleaser or not. Thanks for making my case easier! Up until now I used to refer them to Glaswgow vertical film festival!
John Whaley
@chryssa So good to hear fellow designers seeing the relevance of vertical video in the mediascape. Glad we're speaking the same language here! Hope to see you on Vervid!!! (I'm @john on Vervid BTW...)
Kori Handy
This is really cool you guys, love the design too. Vertical video typically sucks but you made it cool. Seen you guys @Launch we had a booth across from you guys with a different app than we have now, called @founderfoxapp all the best ;) downloading the app
John Whaley
@koridhandy What was your other app? Were you guys the mentoring app before?
Jim Knutt
beautiful UX design!