Wilson Birua

Verify by KhaaliJeb - Verify the student customers by integrating KhaaliJeb Verify


Run student discount campaigns on your own website or app. KhaaliJeb verify will help you in the Student Verification part.
Identify your student customers by integrating KhaaliJeb Verify. It takes less than 30 minutes to go live.

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Wilson Birua
Hi PH community! This is Wilson, Co-founder KhaaliJeb. KhaaliJeb is payment & banking app for students and youth. We have launched KhaaliJeb Verify, a product that helps you in identifying your student customers and run discount campaigns for them. It can be easily integrated in your app or website. How it works: 1. Your customer clicks on verify student status button on your app or website that has integrated KhaaliJeb verify. 2. Our interface opens up. The customer signs up and upload their student ID. 3. The ID is verified within minutes and you receive notification for the same from KhaaliJeb. We are currently offering 3 months of verification service free for early stage Indian startups who want to try out our product. Demo Video: https://youtu.be/NLdBhGgKHtA Thanks Happy to answer your queries! Please drop a message if you are interested in trying out the product.