Boris from VentureApp here. Thanks for checking out VentureMap Boston. We partnered with Ty Danco from TechStars and BostInno to create a compelling visualization of relationships between startups and investors. You can interact with the VentureMap in a number of ways:
1. Click on a startup inside the circle to see all of their investors
2. Click on an investor on the outside of the circle to see all of their investments
3. Zoom in and out on various investment nodes to explore deeper
4. Filter by investor type, industry, and date the startup was founded
5. Search for a startup or investor. You can multi-select by clicking a search result and then starting and clicking new searches.
6. Chat with any startup or investor that is on VentureApp
7. Sign up for VentureApp and add your startup or investment firm
VentureMap speaks to our mission to make the innovation economy more accessible to all. By visualizing investment data this way, anyone in the innovation economy can easily identify areas to expand their network based on relevant connections.
This will save me a ton of time directing investment-seeking founders where to look for relevant angels/VCs, comps in their space. Seriously. No longer: "check out _____ VC's website, look at the portfolio companies, ping the partner leading the deal." Now: "VentureApp Boston Ecosystem map. Go forth and prosper."
Great collaboration. Very fun to poke around on this and thanks for sharing. Where did the data come from to seed the map? A few of our investors are listed like BOSS, @dcancel, @mvolpe and @englishpaulm, but all our investors are awesome and a few connections are missing like @dharmesh, @bhalligan, and more. Any way to update the map?
@andygcook Glad you asked! @ahmedhentati did the initial data run, and we then mapped it against our own data-set. We'd love to fill out the data with more info. We'll add a way for Boston community members to update the map automatically, but for now we're speaking to folks to vet individually. I'll shoot you a note!
Wow this is super cool! I would love to see cities like Tampa and others do something like this. I will say though, it's loading super slow for me and I only have Technology checked off....
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